Amazing Science Projects Created in Lego

By Boxmash

Science is brilliant, but science created in Lego may be even better. That’s what New Scientist magazine thought, and they held a competition for the best scientific model made from Lego. The winners are great, so why not take a look.

A baby in a womb – made from Lego! The backlight gives it a realistic glow

The overall winner of the competition was Jason Brown, who made this amazing model of a baby growing in a womb. You can see the baby’s arms and legs and the umbilical cord, which connects to the baby’s mother to feed it whilst it grows.

The creepy T4 virus, built from Lego bricks

Runner up Liga Strazdina built a model of the T4 virus. We normally can’t see the T4 virus with our own eyes, but under a microscope it looks like this. Liga’s Lego version is pretty accurate!

An American astronaut stood on the moon. Is that you, Neil Armstrong?

Second runner up Richard Hayler built a model of an American astronaut on the moon, complete with a flag stuck in the ground. Amazing!

If you were going to make a model of something scientific from Lego, what would you make? A model of the ISS Space Station perhaps?