My friend's cat had a litter of five kittens. When the babies were two weeks old, the momma cat died. Since then, we have been caring for the kittens, bottle feeding them, making them poop (I hate that job!) and keeping them warm and loved. They have been doing very well until the last week. They all started getting sick. One of them passed away. Little Bino curled up next to my son and fell asleep. He never woke up. We were heartbroken.
Last night I went to Nikky's house to bathe and feed kittens. Our plan was that I would take the sickest kittens home with me, since I am up all night anyway, so that they can have round the clock care and take their medicine every hour like they need to. When I got there, three of the surviving kittens looked good. They were crawling around.
Gizmo wasn't looking so good though. He had his Colloidal Silver but was really taking a turn for the worst. When I tried to feed him, he gave a half-hearted swallow. He ended up going limp like a rag doll and his breathing was labored. I lipped to Nikky "I don't think he'll make it". We took turns holding him as went downhill. He started twitching occasionally and let out a sickly sad cry here and there. At times, he actually stopped breathing, then would jump, let out a cry and start breathing again.
Nikky really started crying and her girls noticed. They came over and once they realized what was going on, they started crying too. We hugged them and sent them to bed and I told them I would let them know when he passed. I went back to the living room and I could hear them crying. It was so sad, but we didn't think they really needed to see this and he was slipping away even more.
It was my turn to hold him again. He couldn't hold up his head anymore, he was completely limp... so limp I thought he was gone. I tucked him into my coat and hummed a tune "Go now in peace" and "I am opening up in sweet surrender to the luminous love light of the One." It was the only way I could keep myself from sobbing. He started moving around a little and I took my coat off before I died of heat stroke. He started having spurts of feisty fits .where he tried to crawl or walk but then his little head would slump down and he would flop over and just lay there.
After HOURS of going through this, he had curled up on my arm and was sleeping, his breathing was coming back to normal and he didn't really move very much for a good hour. While he was resting his brother, Curtis, crawled up my leg and onto my lap. He stared at Gizmo for a moment, looked at me, crawled forward slowly, sniffed him, looked at me... then tried to clobber the snot out of Gizmo. I quickly grabbed him and put him on the floor. He crawled back up a few minutes later and did the same thing. I put him back down on the floor again. This happened quite a few times.
The last time it happened, he crawled up, swatted at his tail and then looked at me. I told him to stop, Gizmo was sick. He immediately looked down at Gizmo and then pounced him. Gizmo, who was on the brink of death not too long before, sat up, looked at Curtis and then Curtis pounced him again. I was working on getting Curtis off him when Gizmo got up and crawled off looking really pissed. I was stunned. Here is the kitty that couldn't even hold his head up or move not too long before and he just crawls off!
Over the next 30 minutes or so, he really started coming back to life. He eventually got on the floor and wrestled with Curtis for a minute before he went under the desk and fell asleep. When he woke up again, I got him to eat and he ate like he was starving.
Today he has been very sleepy but he is doing well. I am still amazed at the whole experience. If I was someone who believed in miracles, I'd say this was one. But I think he's just too ornery to die!
From The Baker's Acres!