Amazing and Unique Hand Painted Wedding Shoes from Le Soulier

By Claire

There was once a young lady, an inno­v­a­tive shoe designer who spe­cialised in cre­at­ing inspi­ra­tional, unique shoes. Inspired and dri­ven by brides all over the world to have and to hold their very own piece of art in the form of a shoe. By chal­leng­ing tra­di­tions, embrac­ing mod­ern roman­tic and refined fem­i­nin­ity, Sonia cre­ated the most per­fect bespoke hand painted shoes.

Sonia’s phi­los­o­phy has always been quite sim­ple — to make wed­ding shoes stand out from the crowd by adding per­son­al­ity and cre­at­ing a real style state­ment. Tired of those plain, unin­spir­ing shoes that line the wed­ding shop shelf? Well, worry no more.
Sonia’s unique ideas are beau­ti­fully hand-painted with love and care and will be some­thing to cher­ish as part of your big day and for a life­time. Sonia’s influ­ences are 18th cen­tury Zephirine flo­rals, tweaked with rich con­tem­po­rary themes, Rococo edge, dec­o­ra­tive trims and Swarovski crys­tals. With all these mag­i­cal ingre­di­ents, your feet will be trans­formed into what dreams are made of.

Unique wed­ding shoes — fur­ther information

On aver­age my prices are £175 based on the major­ity of my work fea­tured on my face­book pages. Cus­tom quotes are avail­able upon request.

I make all my own but­ter­flies fea­tured on the shoes so that they match per­fectly with the Brides requests and I only ever use gen­uine Swarovski crys­tals. I do not charge per hand painted color used for the price so brides may have their shoes painted as colour­fully as they wish. (Please note that brides sup­ply their own shoes.)The Swarovski crys­tals, added but­ter­flies, flow­ers, pearls etc are again included within the price of £175. My turn around time is 5–6 weeks and a full color illus­tra­tion is cre­ated based on each bride’s own indi­vid­ual require­ments and sent to her prior to my brush and I work­ing our magic on their sup­plied shoes.

Le Soulier — Make your shoes as ind­vid­ual as you are.