Amazing 10 Inspiring Impressive Design

Posted on the 22 July 2013 by Zafar @seompdotcom
As being a Designer suggests me to have much to learn, With this energetic stage can still lead to Tremendous work. That’s why I’ve taken out the time to show 10 most amazing noteworthy pieces by great designers.

BTW, it’s impossible for me to include every talented Designer to fit in this list; if you have a recommendation to share with me, let me know in the comments below.

Amazing 10 Inspiring Impressive Design

1. Live Score, by Atakan Seckin, is an interesting concept that simplifies the way fans can keep track of sports games.

2. Acme Pedicabs logo design, created by Zurdo.

3. HEIMA: A home automation UI concept by Dmitrij Paškevič

 4. Quarterman’s Ice Cream Parlor logo design by Jacob Parr. We’ve highlighted this before, but that Q in the cone is excellent.

5. Gillette packaging concept by Anton Green, Karin Olafsdottir, Lucas Andersson.

6. Spacemop logo design by s0808.

7. Flower shop branding concept by Roza Gazarian

8. White Label Wedding logo design by ultrastjarna

9. BANDiful logo and packaging design concept by Vivi Feng

10. The Arcade rebranding by Lehu Zhang of RISD.

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