Alyssa Monks - New Art Direction - Nature Portraiture

Posted on the 11 February 2016 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Free Planet has featured the once-photorealistic artwork of Alyssa Monks before, now for the new stuff.
Since the death of her mother, Monks' art journey has undergone a number of radical twists and turns, ditching the large-format photorealistic works in favour of small scale or vignette type snapshots of humanity or hauntingly misted landscapes. But this post will be focussing on her new pseudo-photorealistic portraits that involve nature.
Reminiscent of (and an obvious narrative adaptation of) her steamy-shower paintings of a few years back, this selection of new works overlays the photorealistic portraiture with the strands and fronds and leaves and branches of nature. This is some of her best work to date; enjoy.