AlunaGeorge ‘Kaleidoscope Love’

Posted on the 19 August 2013 by Thatswhatsheheard @sheheardblog

We’ve been watching AlunaGeorge for a while now, I should really say listening to shouldn’t I? Anyway we already had their album and we’re so happy to be reviewing them for the iTunes single of the Week. What a good choice!

Aluna and George met in 2009 when Aluna was in the band My Toys Like Me and they hit it off straight away and aren’t we glad they did! They hail from London and create some beautifully constructed electronic music that can both be chilled to and danced to. They recently launched their album ‘Body Music’ and we urge you to download it…right about…now.

‘Kaleidoscope Love’ is a great chilled track to introduce anyone to AlunaGeorge, however unless you’ve been living in the Pegasus Galaxy for the past year, you will have heard their catchy tracks ‘Attracting Flies’ and ‘Your Drums, Your Love’ which have been played everywhere.

Onto Kaleidoscope Love: the opening rhythm beings back memories of West Side Story for me and the song ‘America’ although the rhythm is slightly different. Then we launch straight into Alunas voice accompanied by a plethora of sounds including the calves, hand claps, sustained synths, a thrumming base line and eventually accompanied by layering vocals and a funky guitar line. I honestly think that’s all you need to know about the track instrumentation, you just need to listen to it and immerse yourself in the synth loveliness create be George and light airy qualities of Alunas voice.


Download Kaleidoscope Love

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