Alternative Treatment for Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis) – Herbal Remedies

Posted on the 07 March 2022 by Dr Vikram Chauhan @Planetayurveda9
Do you sweat frequently and use closed footwear regularly? Have you ever wondered if this everyday habit can give rise to an infection?!No right.. But Yeah.. Athlete's foot is one such.


The disease affects the foot, starting from the toes that may spread to the other parts of our body. It is contagious, which reminds us to be careful.


We know that Athlete's foot is a fungal infection. It is caused by Dermatophytes. But how do Dermatophytes affect our skin? Which conditions favor them to grow? This is what we all should be aware of. Using shoes and socks for a long time causes sweating of feet. This will open a warm and humid atmosphere that attracts fungi and the fungi get hold of your skin. We know this disease is contagious, so direct contact with an infected person or their belongings like towels, clothes, shoes etc bring about Athlete's foot.

Alternative Treatment for Athlete’s foot (Tinea Pedis) – Herbal Remedies


Let's take a peek at the symptoms

  • The prime symptom is that the skin appears to be cracked and scaly
  • There may be inflammation present
  • You can't deny the presence of itching, but be careful. Scratching leads to its spreading to other parts of the body.
  • There are chances of burning sensation
  • An unpleasant odor is also a symptom


Don't you want to be informed about the factors that increase the risk of getting affected by the disease? Here, let's look at the risk factors :

  1. Heavy sweating can increase the possibility of the disease
  2. The jobs or works compelling to wear enclosed footwears for a long time is a risk factor
  3. Sharing things like clothes, mats, footwear etc with infected people is a high risk
  4. We shouldn't walk in public places with bare feet because there are high chances of infection


Diagnosis is the most important step in curing since it is the identification of a disease. What are the ways to identify Athlete's foot? The quick and easiest way is observing symptoms. Only the precise identification of the disease can lead to the best cure. There are other ways too. Collecting the skin scrape and testing it in the lab is also a common way of diagnosis.


We can't completely resist the possibility of getting the infection even after being careful. What should we do in such cases? The primary measure is to prevent it from spreading further to other parts of the body. Of course, that is not the only measure to focus on. The same fungus causes other diseases like Jock itch, Ringworm etc. That should be taken care of too. The odds of bacterial infections cannot be denied.

Since we are familiar with the causes, we certainly have an idea on how to prevent it :
  1. Our feet must be exposed to air regularly
  2. Clean the feet daily
  3. Footwear used must be neat and hygienic. Don't use your socks the next day without washing.
  4. Always use footwear in public places.
  5. Keep an extra pair of footwear if possible and use it alternatively.


It is crucial to have a glance at the perspective of Ayurveda to understand the quality of the Ayurvedic line of treatment. Athlete's foot can be correlated to Dadru kushta in Ayurveda. It occurs due to an imbalance in Vata and Kapha doshas. This leads to toxin accumulation in skin and other tissues like Rasa,Raktha, Mamsa etc all these finally take us to Dadru kushta. Treating it with utmost care and concern will release us from the chains of this infection and that is what Ayurveda does.


Planet ayurveda offers you the best medicines with no added colors. It is natural and 100% organic. It has no side effects, so obviously it is safe.Our products are also free of any preservatives and carefully crafted by experienced Ayurvedic physicians! Planet Ayurveda's natural supplements and medications have certificates of legitimacy and all supplements have been prepared as told in classical Ayurvedic texts. Every item is made with the most perfect natural herbs well suited to fit in your daily diet and the diseases you might be battling against. The products are available with tested purity measures and consistency. Undoubtedly, planet Ayurveda offers the best scope of natural supplements, which is great to keep up with your general wellbeing. Here is a list of salutary medicines used in Athlete's foot:

  1. Gandhak rasayan
  2. Curcumin capsules
  3. Neem capsules
  4. Kaishore guggul
  5. Nirgundi oil and Recumin gel


This Ayurvedic formulation in tablet form is made from purified Sulphur. It promotes healthy skin and eradicates Athlete's foot unquestionably. Sulphur has antifungal and antibacterial properties which fight the fungus and give us permanent cure. It helps with giving an instant effect curing the scaly and cracked skin lesions. It also pauses the inflammatory changes and purifies the blood. It also relieves itchy skin lesions in Athletes Foot. Gandhak Rasayan is devoid of any kind of added colors, chemicals etc and it is completely safe.

Dosage: 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily.


This single-herb formulation in capsule form contains Curcumin, which is the main content of Haridra or Turmeric. Turmeric is scientifically called Curcuma longa from the Zingiberaceae family. It is a miraculous drug. It is known as 'the golden spice' for a reason. This precious yellow spice is used for several abnormalities internally and externally. Curcumin protects skin by eradicating the free radicals and minimizing inflammation through nuclear factor-KB inhibition which brings an end to Athlete's foot. The curcumin fights the fungus and gives your healthy skin back.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules taken twice daily with plain water after the meals.


This single herb formulation in capsule form is a go-to medicine in Athletes Foot. Why do you think Neem is called a 'wonder tree'? Well, it is on account of its outstanding medicinal properties. It offers radiant skin and possesses exceptional antifungal properties that root out the infection efficiently. Neem has anti-inflammatory properties that may soothe scaly and cracked skin. It will also eradicate itching and pacify aggravated Pitta dosha.

Dosage: 1- 2 capsule is taken twice daily with plain water or as directed by a physician


Kaishore guggul is an astounding polyherbal tablet. It contains fine ingredients like Triphala and Guggul(Commiphora mukul). Its top-notch antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help us to get rid of this fungal infection. It is good at eliminating toxins and safeguards skin cells at their best. It has other qualities like the purification of blood which makes it a splendid medication for Athlete's Foot. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and it helps heal scaly skin lesions.

Dosage: 1 to 2 tablets twice or thrice a day with lukewarm water.


Nirgundi oil is best known for its ability to balance Vata and Kapha in the body. As we know, the doshas involved in Athletes Foot are Vata and Kapha, Nirgundi oil, a significant medicine for permanent cure. This oil possesses anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties and is used in external application only. It is applied with Recumin gel which contains many active ingredients that soothes the skin and optimizes normal skin metabolism.

Dosage: Apply over the affected area once or twice daily with Recumin gel.


Athlete's foot is a serious illness occurring to the skin. But that doesn't mean it can't be cured. That is where Ayurveda plays its impressive role. Ayurveda, with its powerful medications and treatment, lends a hand and rescues us from such diseases. Ayurveda always has great healing powers and we can make sure we utilize them. Join us in your wellness journey!!