Alt Left: The Madness of the Cultural Left Freakshow Known as the Nonbinary Community

Posted on the 25 July 2018 by Calvinthedog

This group also ties in the “queer” movement, which really means nothing at all, pansexual people, which makes little more sense, and nonbinary, which doesn’t make much sense either.

All of this craziness has been taken on by of all people radical feminists, who are not known for being rational. But on this issue they are straight up sane. Radfems argue quite logically that there are only two genders: you’re either a male or a you’re a female. Transwomen are men who think they are women, and radfems are not fond of them for a variety of reasons. Transmen are women who think they are men. Radfems don’t talk about them much, but one criticism is that they are about as extreme as a female self-hater can get. That’s hard to argue with.

Let’s look at some of these silly words coming out of the Queer, Intersectional and Third Wave sex-positive feminist movement (radfems are actually Second Wavers from all the way back in the 1960’s)

What do any of these words mean? Bisexual, lesbian, gay, straight, ok, straightforward and descriptive.

What is queer? So far, no one has given me an answer that makes sense. A professor who I read has recently come out as queer. He’s a geeky straight guy with a normal girlfriend and a little kid, but he’s a radical professor always writing about modern insurrectionary or revolutionary movements.

I don’t care that he’s a dork. His girlfriend loves him and some men are just this way. But as far as I can tell, he identified as queer simply out of solidarity with gay/lesbian/bi/trans people. That’s his way of being an ally. This guy is hardcore straight. He’d never touch another man and he’s not remotely feminine. So he’s completely straight and 100% “cis.” So what does his calling himself queer even mean? What does it mean when anyone says that? I will tell you what it means. Queer means absolutely nothing at all. Put it in the word trashcan.

I don’t like pansexual either. This is an idiotic term. Look, you can be straight, bisexual, or homosexual (lesbian or gay).

Trans is nonsense. It’s nothing. These are very feminine men or very masculine women who mostly have gone so far off the gay scale that they now believe they are opposite sex. Well, that’s dumb.

Look, let’s get real. If you are a very masculine woman and a lesbian, why not just be a lesbian? Everyone knows that extremely masculine lesbians are not rare. In fact they are quite common.

Ok, say you are a very effeminate man who is homosexual. Once again, that’s not uncommon. A recent study found 70% of gay men were effeminate but only 3% of straight men were. This makes sense to me as people have always known that many gay men are at least somewhat effeminate. This goes along with the homosexuality. Not everyone likes it but most just think, “Well gay men are just like that. It’s normal for them to be femmy.”

But what is a pansexual? Does that word even have a meaning? I am a linguist and to me that is an empty semantic concept that is just a “fill in the blank with whatever meaning the word has to you” type thing. In other words, word trash can.

What are pansexuals? Pans will have sex with men and women. Not a problem. Those people are called bisexuals and they are quite common, more common than homosexuals. So why not just be bi? Why go full idiot all the way to pan? Well, pan as best I can tell means you will have sex with cis men and women (in other words, real men and women who lack delusions about their gender). Fair enough.

But bi is not ok here because in addition to that, you will also have sex with these trans creatures, who are just men who think they are women and women who think they are men. Obviously they are human, but pan implies that they are not men, nor are they women. Well what are they then? Are they identifying as humans? Humans are all either males or females. What are you if you are neither? An alien?

So pansexuals will have sex with regular men and women. Cool. But they will also have sex with these trans oddities, which are also regular men and women except they are nuts. But according to “pan,” there’s men, there’s women, and then there are these trans creatures, who apparently are two varieties of hominids that are neither male nor female. What a dumb word that is.

Demigirl and Demipan are two of the 133 different types of gender. Each has some silly slice of meaning that I cannot recall now. I have been called a reactionary forever now for calling bullshit on this nonsense. Facebook recently offered users 133 different genders to choose from. Male and female don’t cut it anymore, folks! This should be the subject of a joke, but instead it really happening, and most folks are taking it seriously, shrugging their shoulders, and saying, “Cool, 133 different genders. Like Baskin Robbins, but better.”

Almost all of these crazy genders are simply varieties of homosexual and in some cases bisexual. As far as I can tell, straight people do not go “non-binary.”

The reactionaries laugh at the Left, but can you blame them? The Left is a laughingstock.