Alt Left on the Net: Someone Gets Us Right

Posted on the 08 February 2017 by Calvinthedog


A: Ugh. Yes. And don’t even get me started on the motherfuckers who are glad Trump won because they think if it REALLY gets worse, people will rise up and there will be a revolution. But not this “incremental progress” pussy bullshit.

A REAL revolution. You know, the kind that makes their dicks hard.

They are almost always straight white dudes.

How very brave of them to sacrifice thei- er, I mean, minorities’ well-being in the name of The Revolution.

Good luck getting any Muslims, POC, LGBT+ people and women to march with you backstabbing assholes. They’ll all be too busy trying to stay the fuck alive, healthy and functional in this incoming hellscape you’ve voted them into. Or not voted, as it were.

In any case, fuck all the way off, get your head out of your ass, start fucking LISTENING for a change, then get *off* your ass and then maybe you’ll be forgiven.

B: Yeah, that ideology is called “accelerationism” and it’s a hackneyed idea from Marxism. It is literally a Bolshevik ideology: “the worse, the better.” It yielded Stalin. Can’t believe this idea has adherents in the 21st Century.

You are dead right that it’s an irrational form of machismo rather than a legit program of change. It’s a Che Guevara t-shirt, not a plan.

In 100-plus years, Marxism has literally accomplished next-to-nothing in America except a presidential assassination and a few cushy academic jobs for its more bougie adherents. By contrast, the Civil Rights movement (and its offspring, women’s liberation and gay liberation) has accomplished quite a bit. But the masculinist, so-called “alt left” wants to put those folks’ concerns in 2nd place and run a fantasy cosplay class-based “revolution” centering white men who love Fight Club. Or, in the case of the older guys, their fantasy is a 1930s/1940s WPA mural come to life … with Jim Crow and Japanese-American internment camps just out of the frame.

The more fact-based and sanity-based model of political change in modern democracy is the Overton Window. I pray we still have a modern democracy in which to apply it.

This comment here:

But the masculinist, so-called “alt left” wants to put those folks’ concerns in 2nd place and run a fantasy cosplay class-based “revolution” centering white men who love Fight Club. Or, in the case of the older guys, their fantasy is a 1930s/1940s WPA mural come to life … with Jim Crow and Japanese-American internment camps just out of the frame.

Describes us very well. Almost perfectly in fact. The Alt Left are not much MRA’s as masculinists. But then we are feminists too in a sense. Masculinists as in equal rights for men, and feminism as in equal rights for women. Surely there was a patriarchy in the past, but the Alt Left doubts that is extant much anymore and in some ways, we now have a matriarchy as the women and their wuss/White knight/Captain Save-A-Ho/male feminist allies rule society in some respects and they use their rule to attack men. In that sense, in some ways, men are an oppressed class nowadays being abused by an oppressive Matriarchy.

So we are brocialists or even ultra-brocialists. That does not mean so much that we are sexist pigs but more that we are ordinary guys, regular, normal guys who act like normal masculine heterosexual men. The Alt Left is “socialism for the regular guy.”

The part about the Alt Left being a 1930’s WPA mural come to life and that this model is being pushed by some of the older Alt Left men, is completely right on. This is absolutely what we are pushing. I do not know about any other older Alt Left men, but I am an older Alt Left man and this is indeed my vision.

It’s seldom that anyone on the Net gets us right.