Alt Left: A Call for an Alliance with the PC/SJW Left Against Trump and the Republican Party

Posted on the 23 January 2017 by Calvinthedog

RL: I will make alliance with any and all SJW’s against Trump and the Republican Party. They’re the real enemy. SJW’s are not our enemies. They are our people who have sadly become deranged. But anyone who thinks PC or SJW’s is the main threat is crazy.”

Tulio: That’s a good way of framing it. I was at the women’s march for my city yesterday and was struggling with how to feel about SJWs. I’m not exactly PC myself, and I have some views about masculinity/femininity/feminism/homosexuality that would get me excommunicated from that crowd. But I was willing to put those differences aside and march with them as a show of force against fascism. Now’s not the time for infighting within the resistance. There are bigger fish to fry.

I will agree with Tulio 100% here. Much of the Alt Left appears to be locked into a war against SJW’s. While it is understandable as a lot of these SJW’s are out and out idiots and fools, this is a very bad use of resources right now.

The Alt Left is a Left movement, and I would go so far as to say it is a movement of the Revolutionary Left. The enemy are blocking all efforts at peaceful change, so we are going to have to go beyond peaceful methods. That doesn’t mean killing people or even seriously hurting people, but a little property damage never hurt anybody. And destroying the property of our class enemies, the rich and the corporations, seems like an Alt Left no-brainer to me.

The Alt Left is not out to reform the system via peaceful change or elections, as the enemy is blocking all efforts at electoral change. The system is so rotten anyway that any peaceful change seems dubious, with new ugly faces probably just replacing the old ugly faces. Instead we are out to destroy the whole system and replace it with something else.

The Alt Left position is that we need to get rid of this elite and replace them with new people. The governments across the board, the MSM media, the DNC Democrats, the career government people in the CIA, Pentagon and State Department, they all need to go.

Any Left or radical democratic governments or people in government or media can stay. Who should we replace the rotten ancien regime with? I would say to replace them with something like Bernie Sanders supporters. Yes, they are mostly SJW’s, but the people they would be replacing are so much worse.

The MSM media needs to be destroyed and replaced with some form of New Media, ideally a Radical Democratic Media.

The Alt Left should use peaceful methods where we can. For an example of our peaceful revolutionary methods, look at the lawsuits launched by the Green Party to ask for recounts in the obviously fraudulent elections of 2016. Those lawsuits are an Alt Left revolutionary way of taking out the system because at this point, with Republican electoral fraud going back nearly 30 years and even the Democrats now getting in on the fraud, it is the whole rotten electoral system is riddled with fraud from top to bottom that the whole apparatus needs to be taken out.

Note that no actual recounts were actually done in three states, and Republicans fell all over themselves trying to stop the recounts. A nation where possibly fraudulent elections are banned from being recounted by law is not any sort of democracy in any way whatsoever. So we can see that the Greens’ use of peaceful methods was completely thwarted and useless which points out my view that peaceful change is useless since the enemy is blocking all efforts at peaceful change.

When I say Revolutionary Left, I do not mean putting in a Left dictatorship. Instead the Alt Left would support something more like the Radical Democracy that the Greens are calling for. The Greens probably hate the Alt Left, but we have more in common with them than they think. The Alt Left will certainly make alliance with any Greens if they will tolerate us. They are all SJW’s, but we have bigger things to worry about now.

Even for the Left Wing of the Alt Right, I realize that a lot of these people are Whites who are not fond of Blacks, Browns and other non-Whites. That actually does not bother me a whole lot, although that is not my position in any way. Obviously these folks are locked into a war with SJW’s, PC people and especially the antiracists. All of these groups are excellent enemies, and they much earned a lot of much-deserved enmity. But I would say that even for the Left Wing of the Alt Right, the primary enemy even in race terms should be the Rich, especially the White Rich.

The White Rich are the class enemies of the Left Wing of the Alt Right. They will always be the primary enemy. I certainly think that any beefs these people have with non-Whites or antiracist SJW’s are of much lesser importance than the primary class war which has heated up to such a point that we are close to an objectively revolutionary situation. Although I am not speaking to most of the LWAR crowd due to their support of Trump, it might be interesting to see how they feel about my advice.

The Alt Left motto at this juncture should be: Make the country ungovernable!