Alpro Soya Gingerbread Dessert

By Meowitserin
I have recently developed a love for all things gingerbread, from the original little men to the modern twist of it being a soya dessert made by the Alpro company which specialises in vegan dairy alternatives offering a wide variety of milk, yogurt and dessert substitutes.I am already a fan of their products so I just knew that I had to try their gingerbread dessert pots. The flavor is lovely although not very gingerbready, it reminded me more of buttered popcorn jelly beans and my mom thought the same. Regardless of this I really enjoyed the taste, it was thick and creamy which is impressive considering there is absolutely no dairy in it! There was a sweetness that worked well with the slight spice of the ginger so it wasn't too fiery or overwhelming. Overall I really enjoyed these dessert style yogurts and would definitely have them again!Rating - 8/10Buy Again - YesVegan - YesCalories - 108 per Pot