Allow Your Child To Explore The World Around Them With Realistic Boundaries

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Babies and toddlers need instruction as they begin exploring the world around them.  Many parents find that they are constantly telling their child No, redirecting them, or chasing after them.  It is important that you are consistent with their boundaries, so that the child learns early that when you tell them to do something that you mean it.

Disclosure:  This post is for informational purposes only.  All opinions reflected in this post are my own and may differ from your own opinions.

Set Realistic Boundaries

Don’t set your child up for failure by setting their boundaries so high that they are constantly getting in trouble.  Allow your child to safely explore their new surroundings.  Closely supervise your child when they are exploring something new so that you can quickly redirect them if they are doing something unsafe or getting into something that isn’t theirs.

Continue Reading: Allowing Your Child to Explore the World Around Them in a Safe Environment

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