Allotment & Gardening Update!

By Sophies Foodie

As from now, my email problems have been solved! You all won’t get my old email newsletters any more, bye bye for Sophie 33 emails!

As some of you may know, we have worked hard again in our allotment in Hombeek. We bought some good compost at the containerpark & we already heave sown a lot of veggies in our cold frame. This is our beloved cold frame. We just put it at another bed this year. This year we put it where last year the cabbages where. We are going to try to use permaculture in our beloved allotment this year. We use good compost too.

The coldframe, 1 year old!

This is what we sown in there:

I can’t wait for the first salad leaves to appear! ;) Let’s see it all a bit closer:

I already have sown indoors & you will see a few results already here:

So, this was my update & later at the beginning of April, we are going to start our sowing season for real, into the full ground. I hope you enjoyed this post, as much as I did! See you all later! xxx Stay Tuned! Enter email to get my new cool newsletters in your mailbox! ;) Join 1,445 other email followers!

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Sophies Foodie Files

Tagged: Gardening