Allie And Bea

By Pamelascott

Allie And Bea by Catherine Ryan Hyde
Published by Lake Union Publishing
Published 23 May 2017
352 pages
Kindle Owner's Lending Library

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Bea has barely been scraping by since her husband died. After falling for a telephone scam, she loses everything and is forced to abandon her trailer. With only two-thirds of a tank in her old van, she heads toward the Pacific Ocean with her cat-on a mission to reclaim what's rightfully hers, even if it means making others pay for what she lost.

When fifteen-year-old Allie's parents are jailed for tax fraud, she's sent to a group home. But when her life is threatened by another resident, she knows she has to get out. She escapes only to find she has nowhere to go-until fate throws Allie in Bea's path.

Reluctant to trust each other, much less become friends, the two warily make their way up the Pacific Coast. Yet as their hearts open to friendship and love from the strangers they meet on their journey, they find the courage to forge their own unique family-and begin to see an imperfect world with new eyes.


For perhaps the twentieth time that morning, Bea narrowed her eyes at the checkbook sitting on her kitchen counter.


This is my first time reading the author.

Allie And Bea is a fantastic book, full of charm, lovely and very touching. The characters, the situation and events felt so real. I loved both characters, they were believable, real and sympatric - I instantly fell in love with them. My favourite was Bea. My heart went out to her when she was scammed out of all her money. I didn't really like Allie at first, she was a well written character but I found her grating. I loved how she grew up and developed across the course of the book. Bea developed as well and in the end she opened up and let the world in a little. Allie And Bea has a satisfying ending though I wish some information had been given about how things were with Bea. This is a great book and highly recommended.
