All We Are Saying, is Give Peace a Chance.

Posted on the 31 July 2012 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

From the depths of Britain’s midlands comes Peace (@peace4everever), a band whose musicality starts at light, tropical afro-pop and travels across the board, incorporating aspects of post punk and alt-rock, to name but a few checkpoints. There’s a sharp and melodic precision to their music and a well orchestrated know how. Yet, interspersed throughout this, there’s a free flowing sense of reverberated mystery, which creates a feeling of infinite hope and youthfulness. They’ve been compared to the likes of Foals and Wu Lyf, and when you hear both the energy and chemistry that bubbles throughout their sound, you can see where those comparisons come from. The band only has a few songs to their name at the moment, but this is more than enough to make you excited to hear more.