All the Wonder That's to Be Had

By Kirstietancock @kirstietancock

It has been a long time. Most of my posts start like that but to me that means life has been good.

My last blog was about starting my competitive career in pole. I'm happy to say it went extremely well. I loved every minute and have 2 competitions lined up for next year! Pole theater and Bristol pole championship. Pole theater is the big comp and I have a amazing routine lined up which I am so excited about it, but I shall leave you all to wait and see. My dream is still to win in my category semi pro, is it realistic? Yes I think so, I wrote a post recently about a competition that has a disabled category and whether that would be the right comp for me. See it's hard to say but at the moment I am the most healthiest I have ever been, is that to say I am normal, no. I have rough days and days when I can't train as I would like and that may put me at a disadvantage but right now I feel semi pro is the place for me and if I win I will go up to professional. One day I hope to engage a international stage, to stand there and say I am worthy, for all I have been through I have trained hard and raised to the challenge. That day will be a true fingers up to cystic fibrosis to me.

I often worry that time is ticking away to fast and that it may run out all to quickly, for me I am constantly pushing harder and faster to do everything on my list, but every time I knock one thing off 2 take its place. The truth is when it comes down to it I will never be ready. I will always have goals and dreams but the main thing is At least I am ticking them off and the more that arise is just a sign that I have truly tasted life and been inticed by all its wonders wanting to experience everything and not leave one thing untouched, one stone unturned. Before when there were less dreams that was because I didn't know there was so much wonder to be had. 

So let me continue to tell you of all the wonder that has been had and all the wonder yet to come, instead of writing silly metaphors and feelings of being bloated with pride and happiness. 

So I have been on 2 holidays, one with my mom to Spain in June where we cycled everywhere on 2 rather simple bikes, soaked in salt baths and spent much time relaxing.

The other more recently to LA with Stuart, mom and my step dad Ash, but I call him Dash these day as in dad Ash. This was more of a grab hold of you pants because your in for a hell of a ride. We did everything imaginable, Disney as I am a true kid at heart, horse riding in the hollywood hills, universal studios, Zumba beach, Malibu, shop shop shop, Santa Monica pier. I even celebrated my 26th birthday in LA at Hard Rock Cafe. 

I started teaching group lessons in Exeter sweat and stretch and filled the studio with Aurelian grip poles which I am now a ambassador and reseller for. This is really exciting for me, for the first time in a long time I'm growing my buissness and I have so many more plans! Next year in January I'm planning to start teaching aerial hoop in Exeter after qualifying as a xpert instructor with xpole, although finding a venue is tricky but iv already bought over half the equipment to start. I am having a new logo made and having a slight change of name to cover all that I offer now. So I am Extremely fitness, with Xtreme pole, Xtreme aerial and Xtreme training as what I offer! Xtreme training After I qualified as a personal instructor in May this year! 

So as you can see life is good. I'm not saying my life is perfect, far from, I have battled with depression for the last 2 years after the loss of friends in the literal sense and family in metaphorical. These things along with others at times made it very hard to cope, but after some help I feel like I am not just coping with depressions but I am beating it, well and truly. 

I'll leave you with some pictures of a photo shoot I had back in May. For anyone who has me on Facebook none of this will be news but those who don't I hope you have enjoyed my update.