All the Lavender in the World, and a Bride! Lavender Wedding Ideas and Pictures

By Claire

I’ve been look­ing for­ward to shar­ing today’s Cotswold Beauty laven­der wed­ding ideas shoot with you. The images are by my wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher friend Jonathon at Pho­toglow pho­tog­ra­phy in Glouces­ter­shire, who teamed up with Jane from Planned for Per­fec­tion and some other fab wed­ding sup­pli­ers to visit Snow­shill Laven­der Fields last year. The pho­tos are so amaz­ing you can prac­ti­cally smell the laven­der, I swear!

I love laven­der — it helps me sleep and reminds me of my Nana and my Grandma — it’s just one of those fra­grances which is time­less and com­fort­ing too. What could be more per­fect for a wed­ding day scent? If you’re con­sid­er­ing incor­po­rat­ing laven­der into your wed­ding day, you’re going to LOVE this!

Cotswold Beauty — laven­der wed­ding ideas with photos

With an increas­ing num­ber of brides from all over the UK and abroad choos­ing the Cotswolds for their wed­ding day, top wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Jonathan Watkins asked Glouces­ter­shire based Award Win­ning Wed­ding Plan­ner, Jane Rid­dell, to help show­case one of his favorite loca­tions in the heart of the beau­ti­ful Cotswold Hills. Together with a selec­tion of some of the finest wed­ding sup­pli­ers in the Cotswolds, a laven­der inspired wed­ding shoot was arranged ear­lier this year at Snow­shill Laven­der Fields — home to over 35 dif­fer­ent vari­eties of laven­der, with rows of these beau­ti­fully scented flow­ers stretch­ing back and forth cov­er­ing a total dis­tance of 70 miles with over 250,000 plants and the per­fect loca­tion for a wed­ding photo-shoot!

With pur­ple color schemes con­tin­u­ing to be a pop­u­lar choice with brides, bright pur­ples can be matched with vivid oranges, lime green or deep reds and light laven­ders color every­thing from del­i­cate wrist cor­sages to chair-covers, sashes or the icing on a wed­ding cake.

Cus­tom­ar­ily, by plac­ing laven­der in the bride’s bou­quet it is said to help ensure a happy and long-lasting mar­riage. As a sym­bol of devo­tion, laven­der is a very pop­u­lar wed­ding flower, with its beau­ti­ful scent and del­i­cate lit­tle flow­ers, it is often used in bou­quets and table arrange­ments as well as in favours and confetti.

Loca­tion –
Pho­tog­ra­pher –
Wed­ding Plan­ner –
Hair / Make-up –
Dress –
Acces­sories –
Flow­ers –
Cake –
Invi­ta­tions –
Umbrella –