All The King's Men

Posted on the 20 October 2015 by Mike Lindley @fruitbatwalton

Manchester band All The King's Men have released a new EP called Making My Escape and it's another step up in their attempt to establish themselves as one of the top rocking it out Indie bands in the North West.

Lead track Fever is very much in the rocking it out vain and guaranteed to be a live favourite, whilst Someday has a more laid back psychedelic feel. It's one for a lazy Sunday's listening pleasure.

Third track in City Lights sees All The King's Men going back to a raunchier rock track with shades of the Small Faces and it's closely followed by a moodier My Mother's Son with it's swooping guitar riffs. The EP finishes with the eponymous Making My Escape, which is a more thoughtful, reflective alt/rock track.

All The King's Men are a fairly recently formed band comprising of Matt Holland (guitar/vocals), Tino Caine (bass) and Ben Robinson on drums but have developed a very tight sound that is rapidly gaining them a faithful local following and with that in mind they'll be playing a number of gigs including the Launch Night at Marley Music Studio on Oct 23d, a headliner in The Live Room, Manchester on the 21st November before spreading their wings and playing Drummonds in Aberdeen on the 4th December with Alias Kid
The EP Making My Escape is available by clicking on this iTunes link