Everyone seems to come out of the woodwork to get a taste of Sookie. It doesn’t hurt that each and every one of them are sexy beasts, and we have a hard time feeling bad for Sookie when she’s crying over love lost, and yet there’s another equally gorgeous man standing in line to comfort her and take her pain away. Is it the fae in her that makes men fall at her feet, or is it that Sookie truly is so very regular that the abnormal supernatural beings just want a regular girl next door (that happens to be attractive with a body that won’t quit)?
All this talk about faeries does have us wondering how Ball will deviate from the books. Bookies know that Sookie is a descendant of the sky faeries and that the water fairies are enemies of her great-grandfather, Niall (who do you think is going to play this character in the show?), and of course, enemies of Sookie’s considering what happened to her parents. So, the bookie in us took note when we saw Claudine (Lara Pulver) descend into faery land through a very deep pool of water. Ball has a knack for creative foreshadowing, but he also has an amazing knack for trickery, so it’s really anyone’s guess what he plans to do with the faery storyline (not to mention that pesky fae war…how’s that going to play out?).
The question on everyone’s lips the past three seasons has definitely been “what are you?” That won’t end in season 4, and for Sookie, it will get even more exhausting. Each season every single character’s answer to this question has changed, so what will their answers be this season? Tune in tomorrow night at 9PM EST to find out.
Source: Rolling Stone Magazine – The Kinky Beasts of ‘True Blood’
Photo Credit: HBO, Rolling Stone Magazine