All National Parks And Wildlife Sancturaies In India Shut

Posted on the 05 May 2021 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

India has shut down all its national parks and sanctuaries after 8 Asiatic lions at a Hyderabad zoo tested positive for Covid-19. This alarming case prompted the Union environment ministry to order the closure of all national parks, national zoological parks and sanctuaries in India. The Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad spread over 380 acres, housing over 2000 animals is one of the most popular wildlife parks in the country. With 8 of its Asiatic lions infected by the coronavirus, it's a serious cause of concern that humans can spread the virus to animals.

All National Parks & Sanctuaries In India Shut Down

Hyderabad's Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) confirmed the infection among 8 lions at Hyderabad's Nehru Zoological Park on May 3. And on May 4, the Union environment ministry issued an order to close all national parks. sanctuaries, and national zoological parks in India. A senior forest official stated to Hindustan Times, "We had a video conference with CCMB officials yesterday (Monday) and they confirmed the diagnosis to us. The problem is we cannot collect throat or nasal swab samples from animals. So, most probably, we will put in place a method to collect scat samples. CCMB is devising that method and guidelines." The official further added that all wildlife wardens are urged to be alert about the situation to take care of infected animals and prevent further Covid infections.