All in Good Time

By Clairejustalittleless

Well, here I am post half-marathon. I didn't break any records in the race but getting back to this level of fitness is a great achievement for me. Now a shorter run like a 5K is a pleasure rather than a chore. Although a rather enthusiastic run on Saturday has left me with a torn calf muscle and an enforced rest. 

Just to let you know all is well here even though I have taken an unplanned blogging break, as you may have noticed. Work has been all-consuming, but in a good way, as I'm enjoying covering a class due to a colleague's sickness. This is likely to continue until the end of this academic year but I don't mind as I'm enjoying the role of class teacher again. I'm teaching the best class I've ever taught, so I feel blessed.

Many things have had to fall by the wayside - such as reading, blogging, photography, decluttering and compiling my Friday links. I have been focusing on staying well though and my running has certainly helped with this. I gave up alcohol for April and this also gave me lots more energy and zest for life. May is all about moderation. We've been cutting down on sugar and carbohydrate too as Tim was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in February but has now got his blood glucose levels down to normal with a very careful diet and increased exercise. Michael Mosley's blood sugar diet book was instrumental in this - thank you to my friend who recommended it.

While I've been very disciplined with my work and health I have relaxed on my spending and have made a few clothing purchases. My love of clothes has not waned but my spending habits are much more considered than they once were. My year of less spending has fizzled out too but a new change is that I'm no longer managing the food planning on my own and our spending is more consistent. 

Since January I've been in the process of resetting many areas of my life. Finding a new balance between work and relaxation, minimalism and materialism and contentment and drive. I have found new focus but some areas are still a muddle. 

So, here's an unexpected blog post. Probably not the one you expected to read or I expected to write. 

A new balance is emerging and hopefully some new blog posts will too. All in good time.

Be happy xo