All Beth Moore Critiques Here in One Place (Short Version)

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
I have split the list of Beth Moore critiques into two different essays. There is a long version which includes a lengthy discernment lesson on top before you get to the critiques. Then there's this shorter version which is just the list.
Below is a list of everything I have written about Moore, and below that, a list of women-written critiques, and below that, a list of man-written critiques.
Below that, some general essays about how to spot a false teacher or a heretic.
I also went through and personally checked and weeded out the dead links. Please let me know if you come across a dead one. Blogs go dead fast. I added several critiques written in 2017.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beth Moore Critiques
Critiques by Elizabeth Prata, writer of this blog:
Joyce Meyer's statement saying "I am not a sinner" aside, the more subtle a false teacher, the less likely it will be that one can find just one 'smoking gun' to point to in proving falsity. Therefore, this link is as close as it gets to just one smoking gun.
Examining Beth Moore's statement: the 'Bride is paralyzed by unbelief 
2016: Deconstructing Beth Moore's most popular story: The Hairbrush Story
In this piece I offer a link to a podcast by Chris Rosebrough, who deconstructs Moore's anecdote sentence by sentence, and in which I also offer a discernment lesson and my own insights regarding that story.
2016: Discernment Lesson: Comparing a Beth Moore & Martyn Lloyd Jones teaching on on the same verse
The title says it all. I listened to The Hairbrush Story as noted above, then in order to wash my brain and heart of the falseness of that "lesson", the next day I turned to Martyn Lloyd Jones and as I listened to that eminent preacher's treatment of the verse, began noticing the two treatments of it (MLJ v. Beth Moore) were completely opposite. This essay contains a side-by side comparison of where and how.
2015: Beth Moore's Strangely Disappearing Tweet: A Discernment Lesson
I wrote this series in 2011 after having attended a two day Living Proof Conference.
Beth Moore: Reactions to Living Proof teaching
Reactions Part 1
Reactions Part 2
Reactions Part3a
Reaction Part3b
Reactions Part 4
Investigating Moore's teachings led me to research further. This series was the result:
Troubled by Beth Moore's teaching:
Beth Moore Part 1: Introduction, and Casualness
Beth Moore Part 2: Undignified Teaching
Beth Moore Part 3: Contemplative Prayer
Beth Moore Part 4: Legalism
Beth Moore Part 5: Personal Revelation
Beth Moore Part 6: Eisegesis, Pop Psychology, and Bad Bible Interpretations
Beth Moore Part 7: Conclusion
When I read that Beth Moore said she had received the book directly from God as if a force had taken control of her, it reminded me of previous research I'd done years ago into automatic writing. This series was the result.
Examples of Channeling Christians, like Beth Moore
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: How Walsch, Young, and Moore channeled their books
Part 3: How Walsch, Young, & Moore channeled their books
Conclusion: Why Walsch, Young and Moore channeled their books
Beth Moore's role as a feminist and redefining biblical womanhood for the next generations (Rev 2:20 again)
Secret Christian feminists
How the Christian secret feminists are reforming the definition of biblical womanhood. Part 1 
How the Christian secret feminists are reforming the definition of biblical womanhood. Part 2
How the Christian secret feminists are reforming the definition of biblical womanhood. Part 3
Beth Moore led a "commissioning" for 11,000 women (and men) at Unwrap the Bible conference
Beth Moore defenders said I was being too picky in making charges against the way Moore teaches, fast-talking, casual speaking of God being one of them. But here is an essay showing that such casual speech is actually a breaking of the Third Commandment not to take His name in vain.
The Third Commandment: ways to take God's name in vain you might not have thought of
Taking Beth Moore to task for claiming to have been with Jesus in another dimension and taught new things
Beth Moore says God lifted her into another dimension & showed her the church through Jesus' eyes
2010: This critique of a 2010 clip from LifeToday TV show clearly demonstrates Moore's apostate status. In the clip, Moore describes repeatedly begging God for a manifestation and believing as a result, 'he' sent her a dream involving a dead person, after which Moore went on to personally interpret some future events based on the dream. This is a textbook definition of the abominable practice of necromancy, something God describes on a par with infant sacrifice.
Jude's dreamers and Beth Moore's necromancy
A discernment lesson on how Mrs Moore twists scripture and comparing her exposition to credible teachers' work
Discernment lesson: The Shack and Beth Moore's treatment of Paul. Part 2 
Really, if Revelation 2:20 doesn't speak of Beth Moore's type of prophesying as a Jezebel spirit, then I don't know what does.
Beth Moore: a type of false prophetess of the church at Thyatira? 
Examining how Luke 6 and the curse of popularity is one huge indicator of a false teacher
Discernment lesson: the curse of popularity, Beth Moore, and Billy Graham
Book Review: "Things Pondered," Beth Moore's story of adopting a boy and giving him back
Beth Moore's Heretic Hunting Article and its Fallout
Further Reading, Critiques by Various Women:
Michelle Lesley: (Michelle Lesley Books), August 2014, Five Reasons It’s Time to Start Exercising "Moore" Discernment 
Erin Benziger (Do Not Be Surprised) March 2014, Beth Moore Prophesies a Coming 'Outpouring,' Warns of 'Scoffers'
Erin Benziger (Do Not Be Surprised) Jan. 2014 "Why Beth Moore and Not Me? The Danger of Claiming to Receive Direct Revelation"
1. Sharon Lareau of Chapter 3 Ministries, Beth Moore Simulcast Review Part One: General Observations, 2014
2. Sharon Lareau of Chapter 3 Ministries, Beth Moore Simulcast Review Part Two: Bible Interpretation Issues, 2014
3. Sharon Lareau of Chapter 3 Ministries, Beth Moore Simulcast Review Part Three: Personal Revelation 2014
1. Sharon Lareau of Chapter 3 Ministries, Evaluating Beth Moore’s Upcoming Live Simulcast, 2015 (How to pay attention to the red flags the Spirit raises in us, a good discernment lesson in prep for evaluating Moore's simulcast)
2. Sharon Lareau of Chapter 3 Ministries, Class on Discernment: Living Proof Live Simulcast, 2015
3. Sharon Lareau of Chapter 3 Ministries, 2015 Living Proof Live Simulcast Review Part One
Pam Terrell: Breaking Up With Beth Moore
Book Review by Discerning Reader: Get out of That Pit (the reviewer does not recommend the book)
Sunny Shell: What Do Ann Voskamp, Beth Moore and Sarah Young Have In Common?
Adriane Heins, she is a Lutheran I believe. In this essay she also mentions Joyce Meyer. I appreciated this a lot: "Beth and Joyce want you to feel your theology; Christ assures you of it."
"Friends Don't let Friends Read Beth Moore"
Update: Ms Heins decided to password protect this wonderful essay. I'll keep the link here in case someday she brings her educational and grace-filled essay back to the public.
Update #2: I contacted Ms Heins and she offered the non-password protected version to link to with her permission. Thank you Ms Heins!
The Upward Call's Critique of Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs"
Beth Moore: “Biblicism, Spiritual Warfare, Mysticism and Pop Psychology”
Chapter by Chapter critique of Moore's book "So long, Insecurity"
Further reading, Critiques By Men:

2017: Delivered By Grace (Josh Buice), Why Your Pastor should say "No More to Beth Moore"
2017: Pastor Gabe Hughes of Junction City 1st Baptist: Breaking Down Beth Moore's Comment at Passion 2017
How do I respond to people who refuse to admit that those who supposedly receive divine revelation are dangerous even though they don’t teach outright heresy?
Can you talk about the dangers of popular teachers who are not heretical but say that God talks to them? I am thinking specifically of Beth Moore. What are we to do with people who refuse to see the danger and insist such teachers are OK?
Believers must always listen carefully when any teacher or preacher speaks about the Bible and theology. They must share the nobility of the Berean saints whom Luke commended for double checking Paul’s teaching according to Scripture (cf. Acts 17:1–11). While Beth Moore teaches with accuracy on some points, she also holds positions and teaches doctrines that are both incorrect and dangerous.
Beth Moore promotes contemplative prayer, a mystical practice not found in Scripture which includes elements of eastern mysticism. She chooses not to draw firm doctrinal lines on her website while implying the Roman Catholic Church is a Christian denomination alongside the Methodist, Baptist, and other denominations. Beth also claims that she has received visions from God and sometimes receives revelation from Him in her heart. From these examples we must conclude that the lack of biblical and theological depth in Beth Moore’s teaching renders her a dubious and dangerous source of Bible teaching. 
From Rev. Matt Slick, Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry: A critique of Beth Moore’s teaching here.
Rev. Chris Hull: Lutheran pastor on Beth Moore: "She's a wolf in sheep's clothing trying to destroy my flock" (transcript of linked podcast)
Beth Moore Confronts Young Pastor’s Wife for Criticizing Her Direct, Divine Revelation
Beth Moore's followers don't understand the Gospel, by Jeff Maples
From a man named Dale Wilson at the blog The King's Dale: Beth Moore - False Teacher
Pastor Mike Abendroth, 90-second video: Where is Beth Moore's Husband?
Pastor Mike Abendroth, sermon clip: Beth Moore-a or Sola Scriptura?
Pastor Mike Abendroth 22 minute radio show, answering emails about Beth Moore
Justin Peters: Spiritual Shipwreck of the Word Faith Movement (not solely devoted to critiquing Moore but she is part of the overall sermon lesson)
Chris Rosebrough: 90-min., Line-by-line audio critique of Moore's handling of a lesson on Hebrews 10:35-36, Beth Moore's Dangerous Bible Twisting
I do not agree with a lot of what Mr Wade Burleson has to say. But I include this link because by his own admission he is a fan of Moore and considers her an asset to the Body of Christ, and even he is scratching his head at how Moore treated James 4:10-11 in the study Mercy Triumphs. I especially appreciated his critique of Moore's penchant for making promises about God's intentions, as if she knows at any given moment what God will do in this or that situation, something I mentioned in the Commissioning essay above.
"God Will Kick Your Tail" - A Critique of Beth Moore's Teaching on James 4:10-11 from Mercy Triumphs
Beth Moore rebukes Articulate, Discerning Young Women: Here is the Fascinating Exchange that Followed
Beth Moore: A Prophet for an Undiscerning Church 
From Sharper Iron, it is a very good critique. Highly recommended. Beth Moore: Her John Piper Connection and Her Very Bad Doctrine
Strange Fire Q&A: Beth Moore
This short Q&A addresses Moore's claim of extra-biblical revelation
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Of Interest:
Grace To You sermon series:
How to Talk to a Heretic
Biblical stance on why Beth Moore has always been false (or any false teacher) and it didn't just come on suddenly