All Africans in Europe Should Be in Brussels on 2nd and 3rd April to Stand up for Something Worth It

Posted on the 20 March 2014 by Therisingcontinent @Ambrosenz

The African stand on those days will be the only way of honoring in dignity our millions of victims from the past and today of that partnership of 1% of profiteers.

A one in many years opportunity has arisen for Africans living in Europe to show to the western and African partnership of imperialist predators, criminals and dictators that they cannot stand them anymore. This will be at the occasion of the EU/AU meeting of heads of states from the two blocks which is officially organized under the theme “Investing in People, Prosperity and Peace”. According to the announcement on the European Union site, participants will discuss topics including peace, security, investment, climate change and migration. Previous similar meetings took place in Cairo (2000), Lisbon (2007) and Tripoli (2010).

This is a call for ONE MILLION Africans protest to send a strong message to western capitalists/predators and their African criminal and dictator friends of leaders. We need to face steadily the challenges of our times. All across Africa it is devastation: from Libya to Mali, passing through Sudan, South Sudan, and further central, east and south, one has Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Rwanda. Since the first EU/AU summit of Cairo (2000), how many military interventions have been in Africa supported by the West of which negative consequences have not sedated yet? And in their daily propaganda we are bombarded by information on some positive economic prospects while hundreds of thousands of women and girls are systematically raped as strategy of war to plunder for example Congolese resources worth billions of dollars?

As in the past, at the time of slavery and colonization, westerners have always counted on and found among us selfish collaborators ready to betray the cause of our motherland. They helped and killed in order that our populations and resources be destroyed or stolen. At the Conference of Berlin in 1884/5 westerners who wanted to share our continent did it among themselves without any African around the table. This time they are associating African leaders. With their usual propaganda machine, they portray their meetings as something positive while they are ready to discuss with the criminals and dictators who oppress, deprive of human rights and properties, and murder our compatriots at home.

On April 2nd and 3rd in Brussels, Africans living in Europe and from anywhere else who can make the trip have an historic chance to demonstrate to the world their disgust about the criminal mafia and partnership of Western and African leaders who don’t care much about their citizens, but their inner circles of profiteers of 1% everywhere. The African stand on those days will be the only way of honoring in dignity our millions of victims from the past and today of that partnership. It will be for example a particular occasion to stand for the more than 8 millions of Congolese, Rwandans and Ugandans that the despicable Museveni/Kagame duo have decimated in the Great Lakes region with the help of Washington, London and Brussels.