All Aboard The Hor-Mone Roller Coaster!

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Image courtesy of photostock /

Step right up and strap yourselves in my friends because we are embarking on a NEW journey on the Hor-Mone Roller Coaster!

That’s right! A NEW journey of sorts where things just aren’t as routine as they once were!

You received No Memo about  this upcoming journey!

No text or phone call to let you know, STRAP YOURSELF IN cause it’s about to get REAL Harry Carry from here on out!

No one told you this was going to happen!

Not even your Gynecologist!

Was there a book about this?



This is what you’ve been waiting for!

You’ve been praying for this to happen!!

And it finally is………………………and now is time to enjoy the ride!

What am I talking about?

Well it’s best off to give you the whole scenario. The story starting from A and ending at the present.

Are you ready?

You may have been or are currently on this very same roller coaster!

Here goes:

Last Saturday, only 19 days after my last period, it came! WTF? Yes, it came EARLY! I was primping for my night out with a couple people from high school, since hubs was out of town, and there is came!


No biggy really, I dealt with it and it wasn’t bad like sometimes 1st days can be.

By Sunday morning, it had stopped! WTF?

It just disappeared! Sunday night came and I thought it came back. A lil spot here, a lil spot there, very manageable.

Ok, it must be starting for real!

Monday morning comes and it stopped! OMG! WTF is going on? Of course I go to work prepared with my lil panti-liners cause ya’ll don’t ever want to have an accident AWAY FROM HOME where you can’t take care of it IMMEDIATELY!

Well, nothing Monday! Until that night…. the lil spotting thing was going on again.

Ugh gawd, now I’m getting frustrated. I don’t have patience for this roller coaster! I want OFF!


The next several days are about the same and now that I’m 25 days after my last period, it should have hit full blown by now….. HOWEVER, it hasn’t!

Present Day

So now I sit here typing up this post about my girly cycle and wondering if I’ll really have a “normal” actual cycle or if I’m going to do this SPOT-N-GO thing for umpteen days OR if I’ll have one at all again!

As I congratulate myself for progressing into what I believe is the next chapter in my life, I had to have a little heart-to-heart with the hubs and clue him in.

I told him of what is YET to come and how I’m happy about it but he should be prepared and jump on the ride too! That way he’ll understand more.

After telling him of what kind of “ride” to expect he tells me:

Him:  Do you remember the shelves and cabinet you wanted me to make and put in your laundry room? Well, there won’t be any money for it because I need to buy insulation for the shed.

Me:  What? Are you moving into the shed? (elated at the idea)

Him:  If things are going to get like that, I might have to!

Me:  Oh awesome!!!! What else can I give up to make that happen quicker?

And then I got the silent treatment

So how many of you have experienced this roller coaster or are currently? Any helpful tips for me?