
By Stephanie
OMG... my Money Plant is half dead! I forgot to check on it for more than a week, and my usual watering schedule didn't quite work this time round :-(

Good thing the vine is very forgiving. Just add some water to the pot and by the end of the day, boom... the leaves look lively again :-)

Plucked a cutting of the Thunbergia grandiflora 'Alba' earlier as I saw it growing healthily covering a fence of a house. Rooted it. Here is its first bloom. One of the petals is flexed backwards but still pretty 

I thought these mini hot peppers are not going to turn red. In the end after weeks of waiting, they slowly change color one by one. This excites me as I thought I was going to harvest green chillies. Now I have what I wanted and they match the picture on the seed packet... yay!

How plants survived for hundreds of years? Well, for this Sundew (Drosera tokaiensis), it is definitely seeds! The mother plant has died but survived with four off-springs :-) 

Not sure about you... but for me, it is always good to see plants self-sowing. 

Still can't recognize this plant yet. It flourished after the dwarf Azalea in this pot wilted. A weed?

This attractive yellow and black butterfly was in my garden for a few days. One night it decided to come into my house. Perhaps it's an Anise Swallowtail. Anyone recognize this beauty?

Meanwhile, glad to see the Agave and Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi plants doing well despite no attention given. Good plants to have in the garden especially the Agave :-) 

A new growth on my Solandra maxima! Oh, I am so glad!! Earlier, the plant has shed all its leaves. 

Thank you for visiting! Have a great day 。◕‿◕。