Alive (2018) Movie Review

By Newguy

Alive – Movie Review

Director: Rob Grant

Writer: Chuck McCue, Jules Vincent (Screenplay)


Plot: A severely injured man and woman awake in an abandoned sanitarium only to discover that a sadistic caretaker holds the keys to their freedom and the horrific answers as to their real identity.

Runtime: 1 Hour 31 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Alive starts when a man (Cocquerel) and woman (Stopps) wake up in an injured state. A man (Macfadyen) claiming to be caring for them, is trying to bring them back to health. However, he starts putting them through a gruelling series of trials to prove they are ready to recover.

The two patients try to figure out how they got there and who they are. However, each clue only leads them down a path without any answers. As they search, they get to learn a much more disturbing truth.

Verdict on Alive

Alive is a horror thriller following two strangers who wake up injured and under the care of a man. They don’t know what happened to them and find themselves dealing with a series of tests to see if they can recover. However, they start to believe they are being controlled enough to remain injured and heal.

This does create an interesting mystery as to why they are there. While also including the shock of what the man has been doing to the victims. There doesn’t seem to be much behind the body horror it is suggesting, and it is the final act that brings the biggest shock to the story.

Final Thoughts Alive takes its time getting going but is saved by a shock ending.