Algeria – Gas Plant Hostage Crisis Raises the Stakes in Sub Saharan Africa

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

Now, who saw this one coming? At an Algerian gas compression plant in In Amanas, up to 41 Western hostages have been taken in apparent retaliation for the French using Algerian air space during air raids in neighbouring Mali, which have also been supported by Britain. The plant is jointly owned by Norway’s Statoil and British Petroleum and there are reports that a group allied to Al Qaida have been implicated. It seems from a story emanating from Algerian media that gunmen on 10 large trucks stormed the plant to take the hostages. If you look at the Algerian national chart, one can immediately see this situation developing.

Independent Algeria was formed on 3rd July 1962 at exactly 10:38am according to Nick Campion after a speech from France’s General De Gaulle, so we have an exact fix on the country’s chart. That puts the Algerian Sun at 10:58 Cancer right in the firing line of the transiting Saturn and Pluto sextile, they make a trine and an opposition. These two are also creating a temporary Yod with the Algerian Midheaven which sits at 10 Gemini. Yods bring difficult energy to deal with, and this is impacting on the reputation and the leadership of the Algerian nation.

Now I think this crisis was triggered by Venus making a conjunction to Pluto on Facies, the ruthless and determined star in the constellation of Sagittarius, one where one takes action regardless of the consequences. Often the smaller planets trigger the slower heavyweight ones into action. This conjunction took place in the Algerian 4th house, the house of Algerian’s land and natural resources. Pluto is the planet of heavy industry as well as a planet of underground and terrorist activity. Pluto and Venus also make a trine to natal Pluto and the Virgo ascendant.

At the midpoint of this trine we find Saturn, which is currently conjunct to the Algerian natal Neptune. This suggests to me that this is a religious or spiritual group behind this incident, as reported Al Qaida or some other militant Islamic group. Neptune rules natural gas and Saturn’s arrival brings possible death, certainly harsh and difficult conditions there and a change in the people controlling the plant.

Saturn at this critical point on the Algerian chart makes multiple aspects. A trine to the Algerian Sun shows this incident affects the leadership of Algeria in some manner. A trine is interesting because is seems as this was almost allowed to happen, trines facilitate action and energy and doesn’t oppose it. Maybe this is a link to the Algerians allowing French and other international warplanes through their airspace? Saturn makes a quindecile to Mars, a potent and focused link to some type of military or violent action happening. Saturn also makes a trine to the Algerian natal Jupiter, and this is definitely a connection to international events as well as the nature of the hostages held, Jupiter sits in the 7th house of relations with other countries. Finally, Saturn makes a square to natal Saturn and the Algerian Nodal axis. A square to natal Saturn is never an easy situation and indicates demands from an outside source trying to force the Algerian and French administrations into a corner to change their policies. The connection to the Nodes brings fated and surprise events which could prove a turning point in the drama we are seeing develop.

The picture I am getting is that this action is this is indeed connected to the French intervention in Mali, and in a tit for tat reprisal, these hostages have been taken to try to force France to pull out of their current military campaign. Western countries generally don’t pay ransoms or bow down to terrorist actions, and if this reactionary group is as organised as I think it is, then this could be a long running saga with little chance of a happy and peaceful ending, just like the Mali crisis I wrote about a couple of days ago.  

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