Alexander Skarsgård Speaks To TV Guide

Posted on the 29 May 2014 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

 It’s True-ly the End…

Some of you may have already seen these going around the internet…but we wanted to make sure EVERYONE saw these! You already know TV Guide features True Blood in their Summer Preview, but did you know Alex spoke to them too? Just wait until you read what the man himself (Alex) says!

WARNING: if you don’t want to know…don’t look below!

These are scans from the Summer Preview edition of TV Guide which is released tomorrow, May 29th – thanks to @BSkarsNews on Twitter for the scan!

Not much I can say – other than read it and weep!

*insert sarcasm*

Wow, it’s been a great week for us so far, isn’t it? The Billshit just keeps coming and coming…burying us in so much crap it will take forever to dig us out. I’m not sure about you…but even the thought of some erotic telenovela sex scene between Eric and Jason doesn’t seem to appeal to me. Sure it may be just a blood bond thing…but coming on the heels of what Buckner said…doesn’t make it any easier, IMO.

I’m sure you’ve noticed the typo as well…Jason is OLDER than Sookie, not younger as they mentioned in TV Guide. Wish they’d get their facts straight before publishing.

But don’t worry…Alex also said this;

Thanks to Barbara at for the scan above!

You see? Eric WILL be still alive at the start of the season…for what it’s worth. Not that there was any doubt… ;)

What some of you pointed out in the other TV Guide post…is how weird all of this is? Why share all of this with us when usually they keep things secret at this time of year? WEIRD is a great word for it. And Alex is usually the LAST person to say anything at all too…it’s just WEIRD.

What are your thoughts? Please share ‘em below!