Alexander Skarsgård is Man Of the Month for GQ Magazine

Posted on the 08 November 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

Alexander Skarsgård is featured in GQ as Man of the Month.  He’s been so busy this summer filming other projects, I bet he will be glad to get back to Los Angeles to start shooting True blood so he can relax a bit.

On True Blood, Alexander’s role of vampire sheriff Eric Northman was originally just a small role, but he soon won lots of popularity, even with that wig he had to wear in Season 1. Now he has made it big as a lead player and one of the hottest males on the show.  Below is a scan from the magazine.

You may notice that this photo, taken by photographer Norman Jean Roy, is from the photos taken for the May 2010 Details Magazine spread and is doing double duty serving as Alex’s GQ photo here.
