Alex and Cast Talk Battleship with eOnline and MTV

Posted on the 01 May 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

It was a busy busy busy time in Hawaii for Alex and his Battleship castmates for the press tour leading up to the North American release on May 18th. And we get to reap the benefits of their time with all these lovely video interviews. To start us off, we have the interview Alex had with eOnline followed by the “First Look” segment that aired on MTV and in case you missed them!

The eOnline interview (by Jason Kennedy) has our Mr Skars talking about his stint in the military (Sgt, we salute you!), showed his funny side when jokes he was intrigued his own performance… and of course we got a True Blood mention but nothing earth shattering or new spoils front from our favorite human behind the vamp.

For the full interview, check out the clip below. You will want to salute too

MTV’s Josh Horowitz corralled one of the “Hottest casts” in creation for a “First Look” at Battleship. This interview had me cracking up with the by play between Alex and Taylor, Brooke and Rihanna. Between the twitter questions, jokingly greenlighting a MTV’s “newest” reality show, and an honorary appearance by Meekus (yes, I said Meekus.. at least a picture of him), we learned how the cast bonded (Karaoke… Mr Skars made a huge impression on Mr Kitsch) and how they approached filming this type of movie.

This segment was around 25 minutes and we have it all for you… 13 PARTS! Check them out at your leisure, though i recommend not drinking as you may end up laughing your way through it. See you on the flip side!

Part 1

Part 2 (Exclusive Scene)

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10 MEEKUS!

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Have you caught your breathe yet? LOL

On a serious note, there was a few mentions of True Blood. Alex mentions that he has 3 months left in shooting, which means they are planning to film into July… if my math is correct. Also, when Josh brings up AB stepping down and should this be the last year, Alex responds with this observation “He’s going to be very much involved. He is stepping down as show runner, but he is still there.”

*Taps chin in thought* Intersting.

We have a final video for your viewing pleasure… the official “On the Set” interview with Alex for Battleship!

He’s looking good in the uniform… don’t you agree?

I hope you enjoyed the interviews.. so far the next stop on the Battleship front is the Colombia premiere stop May 1st-3rd.

Also, remember to set your DVRs on HBO on May 1st at 9:45 pm EST for HBO’s First Look at Battleship!