Alcohol Free White Sangria Recipe

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

Check out the original post Alcohol free white sangria recipe on

Are you still thinking about the good times?  The recently-gone-too-soon-holiday celebrations?  Do you remember happily imbibing in food and drink over Christmas and New Years?  Wishing you were back there but without the weight loss and hang overs?  Well my dear – first of all, I say let the celebrations continue.  Why should your joy be overwhelming only at Christmas?!  I believe that one should treat yourself well throughout the year – and that includes keeping yourself joyful!  And maybe, just maybe that means treating yourself once in a while to something seemingly sinful.  In this case I’m talking about a white sangria – one of my favorite drinks.

The problem is that sangrias (white or red) are high in calories because they are usually made with wine and other alcohols – and alcohol has a lot of calories (so put that glass down if you’re trying to lose weight!).  After the holiday season, most of us (except the lucky few) are looking at our waistlines and groaning and doing some serious re-thinking about our diets – but missing the good times and January is not helping us stay upbeat, is it?  I say we can still enjoy ourselves after the holidays and throughout the year while staying slim by making a few small changes.

That’s why when I heard about Eisberg alcohol-free wines that are low calorie (!!), I got really happy.  Let the good times roll – even in bleak old January!!

I am continuing the celebrations with an alcohol-free white sangria with winter fruits….using the low calorie Eisberg alcohol-free chardonnay (only 26 calories for 125mL of the wine)…’s the recipe for my sangria creation!

Alcohol-free white sangria with winter fruits

1 bottle Eisberg alcohol-free chardonnay – chilled

750 mL ginger ale – chilled

1 pomegranate

1 asian pear

1 kiwi fruit

Pour chardonnay into a large 2L glass jug and mix with ginger ale.

Cut up asian pear and kiwi fruit into slices and put into mixed liquid

Cut pomegranate and empty seeds into jug.

Mix well and serve in wine glasses or large glass tumblers.


Let me know what you think of it – it is 100% alcohol free and if you use lite Ginger Ale then it works well as an even lower calorie option and don’t forget that if you cannot get the winter fruit, you can use any other fruit you love – this particular wine and ginger ale version would be amazing with sliced citrus.

If you soak the fruit in the wine for at least an hour, the wine gets full of fruity goodness as well and it tastes even more awesome!

Hope you enjoy it – let me know if your thoughts if you try it!

- ...just trying to navigate through this obstacle course called life...