ALBUM REVIEW: Radio Europa - Community Is Revolution

Posted on the 19 July 2019 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
ALBUM REVIEW: Radio Europa - Community Is RevolutionOriginally formed around Tangled Parrot Records in Carmarthen, the Welsh collective Radio Europa are back with a new album 'Community Is Revolution'. For this record, the line up is composed of Whettman Chelmets, Steven Leigh, "Alec" and Simon Tucker. Mixing mind-bending meditative sounds with bursts of chaotic electronic noise, and often using dialog to enhance the music, this latest offering is released on 19 July via Wormhole Records.
Recommended for those who want to take themselves on a trip.
Read the full review HERE at XS Noize.
'Community Is Revolution' is available to order now at the Wormhole Records Bandcamp page HERE. You can buy it as a digital download, or as a limited edition CD in eco-friendly cardboard sleeve with artwork by Karl Bielik. The CD also comes with a FREE Community Is Revolution button badge.

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