Alarmed by an Allergy

By Switpie @SwitPaie
I never had an allergy in my entire life that brought me to the hospital until recently. It made me realize that I am not getting any younger, or perhaps made me ask: “is this how global warming affects people”? When I was a kid, I use to play around the bushes with my brother. I don’t even bother to wash myself sometimes, I just go to bed – dead tired from the very exhausting games. Last week, I went out on a day trek with my friends. It was a long and bushy trek we ever did, in a warm day. With my leggings on, I was confident I won’t get any insect bites or any scratch on my legs. A day after that, I just realized I had this insect bite like all over my legs. At first I thought it was just a simple itch that will be washed away with soap so I did washed it. I feel better after that. Morning came and I still can feel the itch. Was so surprised to see it was not just a simple insect bite, it was way different than the ordinary. I went to the clinic to [...]