Alan Turing

By Atulsharmasharma
On Christmas Eve of 2013, Queen of England pardoned Alan Turing. Want to know for what? For making the first computer? Nah! For cracking the cryptic Nazi codes which lead to winning of war for Allies? Nah!
Turning was sentenced to forced chemical castration for being Gay. Yes, gay. And unable to bear the insult he committed suicide in 1954. And now he is being pardoned. Thanks Newton was never caught for his gayings otherwise someone else would have to discover gravity. Same for John Maynard Keynes the economist.
A few more notable are : Tim Crook, Eric Allman, Byron, Auden, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Tchaikovsky, Wittgenstein, Barthes, Foucault, Cole Porter, Joan Baez, James Ivory, Ann Bancraft, Navratilova.