Alan Moore Interview on BBC’s HARDTalk

Posted on the 12 April 2012 by Comicscritic @comicscritic

Alan Moore Interviewed on BBC’s HARDTalk

Alan Moore was recently interviewed by Tom Franks on BBC TV’s HARDtalk for almost a half-hour. The stream, which is usually only available in the UK, is now able to be seen by an international audience.

In the interview, Moore’s work is examined and he touches upon a few different subjects, such as: his work in graphic novels, V for Vendetta, Guy Fawkes masks, Watchmen, Lost Girls, Before Watchmen, and his disillusionment with the comics industry, to name a few.

Despite his great works and his impact on the comics industry, Alan Moore has been seen in less than a positive light in recent years, mainly due to his comments about Watchmen and how DC handles his works.

Regardless of how you may feel about Moore, this interview may give you a little more insight into his thinking. Considering the fact that he doesn’t often do videotaped interviews, that’s good enough reason to watch it.