Alan Grayson - the Man the Nazis Hate!

Posted on the 10 January 2015 by Lowell
I'm also calling this "Alan Grayson's Lament." It should be our lament as well. Alan Grayson is one of the most brave, most astute, most caring Representatives in the House. He is not afraid to speak his mind. He talks the truth to power. Power doesn't like that!
So the Nazis in our country, all riled up by their sense of right and wrong, took a stand for the power brokers in our government - the GOP (white Christians - see below for more accurate description) against those dirty non-Christians who dare accuse them of being white Christians.
Yes, I know.  Doesn't make a lot of sense.  Except, Grayson is Jewish!
The other day, says Grayson,  "I had the temerity, the gall, the (dare I say it?) chutzpah to point out that for the past five months, every single elected Republican in Congress was a white Christian.
"The Nazis are not pleased.  Frankly, I have never been a favorite of theirs, but now they are really pissed off.
"The 'white nationalists' congregate at an online watering hole called  The home page, in Fraktur font (look it up), proudly boasts that 'Every Month is White History Month'. is famous for, among other things, trying to dictate the results of a Fox News online poll on racial segregation, because it takes one to know one, or something like that.
"Lest you think that this is a non-serious matter, please be advised that according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Stormfront members have murdered almost 100 people during the past five years alone.  No Members of Congress yet, though.
"So yesterday at Stormfront, under the heading "News," subheading "Politics & Continuing Crises," there popped up a report called "Jew revealed:  Florida Rep. Alan Grayson attacks GOP as the party of white Christians."
... [Stormfront should know that is not news.  The GOP IS the party of white Christians.  What Grayson could have said, is that the GOP is the party of really stupid and hateful white people who call themselves (mistakenly) Christians!]
There's a lot more to Mr. Grayson's essay, which you can read here.