“The show centers on Lucas Hood (Starr), an ex-convict and master thief who assumes the identity of the sheriff of Banshee, PA, where he continues his criminal activities even as he’s being hunted by the shadowy gangsters he had betrayed years earlier. Also cast in the pilot is Demetrius Grosse as Emmett Yawners, a deputy at the police department who was a former football player at Penn State.”
Antony has starred in the popular Australian series called Outrageous Fortune which was remade here in the U.S. by ABC as Scoundrels.
It looks like this new show is going to be another hit for Alan Ball.
Tell us what you think of the casting that has been made tot his show so far below.
Source: Deadline Hollywood.com- “Cinemax’s Alan Ball- Produced New Series ‘Banshee’ Casts Antony Starr As Its Lead”
Image Credit: Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff