Alan Ball’s Last Comic Con as Showrunner

Posted on the 16 July 2012 by Thevault @The_Vault

Yesterday at Comic Con 2012 we saw the last True Blood Panel for Alan Ball as the Showrunner. He was especially candid during the event and even did a body roll, like Alcide in Magic Mike, on top of his chair. Joe Manganiello promptly got up and threw some cash at him.

Below we see Alan stand on a chair as he rolls his belly as Stephen Moyer, Anna Paquin and moderator Tim Stack, right, look on during the event.

It was heartwarming to see the cast and all of the audience bow to him for his genius as creator of  the show. Many members of the cast rose up to applaud the man who brought Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels to graphic life for five seasons and is now stepping down from his top post.

Aside from that emotional moment, though, the tenor of the panel was high-spirited and even silly with many, many references to romance, nudity, sex and stripping, the latter courtesy of Joe Manganiello’s recent cinematic turn as a male dancer named Big Dick Richie in Steven Soderbergh’s film “Magic Mike.”

At the end of the panel, the cast applauded the audience. They also took their name plates, signed them and threw them out into the crowd of  fans who had flocked to the stage hoping for a closer glimpse.

We’ll be providing more info about the experience of attending the huge event that Comic Con is, so look for more info coming soon!

See more images from the Comic Con panel by going to our Photo Gallery.

source: Lynnpd as attendee and