Alameel Is Clearly The Best Choice For U.S. Senate

Posted on the 19 May 2014 by Jobsanger

It is primary run-off time for Texas Democrats, and one of the two important races they must decide on is who they want as their candidate for the United States Senate. There is really no choice for serious Democrats -- those who want their party to have a chance this November.
That's because one of the candidates in the run-off is not a Democrat at all, but a follower of Lyndon LaRouche -- a candidate who believes President Obama should be impeached and the Queen of England is the head of an international drug cartel. Nominating this candidate would would make the entire Democratic ticket a joke, and seriously hurt the chances of all Democrats in November.
Fortunately, there is a rational alternative -- David Alameel. Alameel was not my first choice a couple of months ago, but he is clearly the best candidate in this run-off. And he's on the right side of issues important to most Democrats. Here are the issues Alameel is running on:

Jobs and Economy

The super-rich and mega-corporations have rigged the system in their favor.  They are pulling the strings of puppet politicians like John Cornyn and other Washington Republicans in favor of Wall Street – not hardworking Texas families.  We need to stop sending politicians to Washington who care more about the bottom line of CEOs on Wall Street than working families in Texas.  As Senator, David Alameel will advocate for:
  • Forcing big corporations and Wall Street executives to pay their fair share in taxes.
  • Creating good paying jobs in Texas that can’t be shipped overseas.
  • Taking big banks to court when they ruin our economy, not giving them another bailout.
  • Ending tax breaks for corporations that ship American jobs to places like China and India
  • Raising the minimum wage so families can work with dignity, put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.
  • Extending unemployment insurance benefits to the long-term unemployed 
  • Ensuring tough enforcement of equal pay laws which helps all of our families

Bring Troops Home

David Alameel is a veteran and strong supporter of the United States military. However, after twelve years it’s time for us to leave Afghanistan, bring the troops home and use the hundreds of billions of dollars we are spending there to help rebuild America.  We need to redirect those resources back here at home to:
  • Create good paying jobs that can’t be shipped overseas
  • Ensure a quality education for all Texas children, not just the privileged few
  • Protect Social Security and Medicare

Retirement Security

Social Security and Medicare are promises to the seniors who worked hard, paid into the system all their lives and made our country what it is today.  In the Senate, David Alameel will always honor that promise because he understands that our seniors have earned a dignified retirement. He vows to NEVER cut Social Security and Medicare and will fight any attempt by Washington politicians like John Cornyn to turn these programs over to Wall Street and privatize them.


As a father, David Alameel believes that the best investment we can make is in a quality education for ALL children, not just the privileged few.  That is why he has been part of numerous non-profits that provide scholarships to young Texans who work hard in school. As a Senator, David Alameel will continue to fight for education funding to make sure that our children get the world class education they deserve in order to compete in the increasingly global economy.

Protecting Women’s Rights

David Alameel believes in a woman’s right to choose and that politicians or the government should not interfere in these deeply personal decisions that should be made by a woman, with her family, her doctor and her God. That is why Dr. Alameel will always fight to protect Roe v. Wade, which the Supreme Court set as the law of the land decades ago, from Washington politicians who are seeking to undermine the basic rights and freedoms of millions of Texas women. Furthermore, in the United States Senate, Dr. Alameel will demand equal pay for equal work between men and women. In the 21st Century, there is no excuse for discrimination in the workplace or for U.S. Senators like John Cornyn who voted against the commonsense Lilly Ledbetter Act.  David Alameel would be a proud vote in favor of this important legislation.”

Immigration Reform

David Alameel supports the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform that is both humane and respectful of our laws.  We can’t let a problem become a tragedy, especially for the hundreds of thousands of children born or raised in America who live in a twilight zone of uncertainty for themselves and their families.  We need to create:
  • A faster track toward a program of lawful work permits.
  • A responsible roadmap to citizenship for law abiding and hardworking people who have no criminal record and are only asking for a fair opportunity.