Air Fryer Hot Dogs

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr
When I was growing up every Friday night was Hot Dog Night!  Occasionally we might have something else, but generally speaking we had hot dogs every Friday night.
My mom made the best hot dogs. People used to wish they could get invited to our home for Hot Dog Night.  She had a special electric grill pan that she used to cook them in. 
She always used the soft sided bread rolls that were top sliced.  They are very traditional to New England and Eastern Canada. You can get a recipe to make your own here
Those would get cooked in the grill first.  She would butter them generously all over the cut sides and then they would be grilled until toasty golden brown. Then into the oven they would go to be kept warm while she did the wieners.
The wieners would be slit in half lengthwise, almost all the way through. She would open them out like a book and then they would also be grilled in the grill until they were golden brown.
Tucked into those toasty buttered buns with your favorite condiments and some chopped raw onion, there was nothing tastier on earth.  We would each get two, each one being half wrapped in a folded piece of paper towel to keep our fingers from getting greasy.
Occasionally I still like to have a Friday Night Hot Dog Night, but these days I am more than likely to cook my hot dogs in my air fryer!  And I do the whole thing, the wieners and the buns.
It's such a simple thing to do, and they always come out perfectly cooked.  The trick to perfection is knowing how long to air fryer beef hot dogs and the temp to air fry them at!
It's simple really but for those of you who are new to this, here you go: (Quantities are given for one hot dog, which you can multiply to make as many as you wish. I do not recommend doing any more than four at once.)
  • 1 wiener (I like all beef hot dogs
  • 1 hot dog bun (I like the top sliced, soft sided buns)
  • softened butter
  • honey mustard and sweet pickle relish
  • 2 TBS grated cheese
  • 1/2 TBS French Fried Onions (in the UK Crispy Salad Onions)

You can use whatever kind of wiener or bun that you enjoy. I happen to love all-beef wieners and do not use any other kind, not ever.  And yes, I am partial to the soft sided, top sliced buns.
I like honey mustard and relish on my hotdogs, but you can use whichever condiments that you enjoy. I have never been fond of the taste or texture of ketchup on bread.
I like to add an optional topping of melted cheese and crispy French-fried onions. Here in North American you can use French's or Durkee.  In the UK, use Crispy salad onions.  They really add a nice touch to the finish!

These are such a simple make. Once you have made your hot dogs in the air fryer, you won't want to make them any other way. They are really no muss no fuss!!

Preheat your air fryer to 400*F/200*C for 5 minutes. (Preheating your air fryer does make a difference.)Cut a few shallow slashes in the top of your wiener diagonally. (This isn't totally necessary, but something which I like to do.)

Place the wiener(s) into the air fryer basket. Air fry for 5 minutes.

While the wiener is cooking, open your hot dog bun. Place the honey mustard and relish in the bottom of the bun. Brush the sides with softened butter.

At the end of 5 minutes, place the wiener into the hot dog bun, placing it over top of the condiments, slashed side up. Sprinkle with the cheese and then the fried onions.

Return to the air fryer basket and air fry for an additional 2 minutes. Enjoy!

Today I enjoyed mine with a bit of macaroni and cheese.  Hot dogs are already a naughty treat for this 60 something year old.  In for a penny in for a pound!
I am really enjoying coming to terms with my air fryer.  I spend ages thinking about what I am going to do in it next. I have a Kuraidori Air Fryer that I purchased at my local Home Hardware. I started off with a Cuisinart Air Fryer/Toaster Oven.  I called it the Cremator.

Some of the other Air Fryer recipes in my English Kitchen that you might enjoy are:
AIR FRYER REUBEN SANDWICHES - Buttery, crisp and lacking none of the flavors or textures that you would expect in a traditional Reuben sandwich. Sauerkraut, Swiss Cheese, Smoked Meat and Thousand Island dressing.  Yummo!
CRISPY HERBED TURKEY THIGHS - With their crispy skin and nice herby flavors I love, love these. One of these turkey thighs and a salad on the side and I am one very happy camper indeed!

Air Fryer Hot Dogs

Yield: 1Author: Marie RaynerPrep time: 5 MinCook time: 7 MinTotal time: 12 MinInstructions are given for one delicious hot dog. Multiply as per your requirements. Quite simply delicious.


  • 1 wiener (I like all beef hot dogs
  • 1 hot dog bun (I like the top sliced, soft sided buns)
  • softened butter
  • honey mustard and sweet pickle relish
  • 2 TBS grated cheese
  • 1/2 TBS French Fried Onions (in the UK Crispy Salad Onions)


  1. Preheat your air fryer to 400*F/200*C for 5 minutes.
  2. Cut a few shallow slashes in the top of your wiener diagonally.
  3. Place the wiener(s) into the air fryer basket. Air fry for 5 minutes.
  4. While the wiener is cooking, open your hot dog bun. Place the honey mustard and relish in the bottom of the bun. Brush the sides with softened butter.
  5. At the end of 5 minutes place the wiener into the hot dog bun, over the condiments, slashed side up. Sprinkle with the cheese and then the fried onions.
  6. Return to the air fryer basket and air fry for an additional 2 minutes. Enjoy!
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