Agenda 21: Heroic Ann Bressington, Australian MP – Names the NWO Gang

Posted on the 19 February 2013 by Eowyn @DrEowyn

It’s been an amazing year in the fight against the UN Agenda 21-Sustainable Development juggernaut.  As public awareness has grown through the efforts of citizen activists from both sides of the political spectrum, political parties and legislators are taking a stand.  You can find the  anti-Agenda 21 legislation here, 

They’re fighting it in Australia, too.  Member of Parliament, Ann Bressington, spells out the totalitarian plan chronologically and names the names of the perpetrators  quoting NWO boy, George H.W. Bush, ” There will be a profound reorientation of all human activity.”

In the face of the pushback by average citizens and legislators, the UN-USA Executive Director, Patrick Madden, posted an article in March, 2012 calling the people taking a stand against  UN Agenda 21 conspiracy theory wackos and called supporters of Agenda 21 “… we do need to be vocal and vigorous in defense of the UN to ensure the facts are set straight and our message is heard. You can do this by speaking at city council meetings or writing a Letter to the Editor and op-ed, specifically tailored to debunking the Agenda 21.“ 

It’s going to be an uphill battle for the UN boys.  It’s hard to debunk a conspiracy when videos of United Nations strongman Maurice Strong, reveals himself as a conspirator in pushing the true agenda behind Agenda 21.