Afternoon Spin :: Sing The Falling Darkness (6-Pack of Songs)

By Ventipop @ventipop
And now we leave the noisy well-lit room. We slip away through a side door. We let the chatter fade, and there is new growing wetness on the after dark grass along this tree-lined street.
And the sky.
The sky is an upside down cobalt blue breakfast bowl of stars newly spilled and milky. And we feel our eyes sting in the chill air. And we begin walking in the same direction. And I realize there are so many things I’d love to tell you, because now there is no longer need for words. The arresting silence is everything.
But what we need is music and the music is inside of us and I look at you and know that I want my life to be a work of art. Yes. And we give a name to these shivers of music that we gather and free, and we open our hands.
We sing the falling darkness.
We sing the falling darkness.
We sing the falling darkness until dawn.
— Linford Detweiler, Over The Rhine Band

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Click to Follow the Ventipop Spotify songs added as they are featured

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The Ballroom Thieves :: "Bees"


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