After the Rain

By The Garden Smallholder @gdnsmallholder

Rain arrived late last night and continued till morning, the kitchen garden looks refreshed with a noticeable earthy aroma to the air. Even though the sun is covered over by heavy sky I can feel heat beginning to build already.

The much-needed rain encouraged lots of creatures from their hiding places, including fat slugs, unfortunately.

Young frog on chives Anyone else reminded of the film Tremors?

We garden organically in our kitchen garden and allotment, relying on natural methods and predators to keep pest numbers down. During damp weather (particularly in spring) we pick slugs and snails off young plants by hand (yuk!). It’s a dirty job but someone’s got to it.

Flowers are appearing on the peas which is really exciting, I can’t wait to pick fresh pods and snack on sweet little peas!

Looks like we’re in for a bumper crop of strawberries too! We grow Cambridge Favourite which have great flavor for making jam, if we are to have any chance of entering the jam class of our village show later this year we must refrain from scoffing them all straight from the plants!

Have a great gardening weekend!