After-School Snack: Mango and Pineapple Popsicles

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

Today’s discussion on averting after-school snack disasters is sponsored by DOLE® Frozen Fruit.

Summer may be coming to an end but it’s still super hot in Georgia. The kids still love to play outback in the pool after school and we’re taking full advantage of the warm days. It never really gets super cold in Georgia but it’s definitely not cooling down anytime soon. One of my the kids’ favorite after school snacks are popsicles. But what happens when you forgot to buy some and they’re requesting them?! Simple answer;  homemade fruit popsicles of course!

Pineapple is one of our favorite fruits and we’re obsessed with DOLE® Frozen Fruit bags. We pretty much have the freezer stocked at all times. We love smoothies, smoothie bowls, and homemade popsicles.

Below are two of the recipes we like to make:

Pineapple-Mango Popsicles:

1 scoop frozen mangos

1 scoop frozen pineapple

1/2 cup milk

Splash of honey

Blend together. You may need to add more milk depending on the consistency. You want it to be the same consistency as a smoothie.

Pour into popsicle molds.

If you don’t have molds, you can use paper or plastic cups with popsicle sticks.

Freeze for four hours.

Run under warm water for a few seconds and remove molds.


I didn’t fill these molds all the way to the top but I probably should have. They were so good, I wanted more!

We also like to make pudding pops with the fruit. You can get creative with this and use different flavors of pudding and fruit. For these particular ones, we went with White Chocolate pudding and Pineapple Chunks!  I even added a little Grenadine at the bottom of the mold. And it was scrumptious!

Make the instant pudding according to the instructions.

Add pudding and frozen fruit of your choice and blend.

Poor mixture into popsicle molds.

Freeze for four hours.

Run under warm water for a few seconds and remove molds.


You never know when the kids are going to come home and request a fruity treat, so these bags of DOLE® Frozen Fruit are perfect for when the unexpected happens. There’s nothing worse than them saying they’re hungry or having friends over and having nothing to give them. These make it easy! I love that it doesn’t involve cutting, washing, or any of the tedious things. Plus they come in resealable bags and don’t contain any added sugar. Music to a mom’s ears! And hunger crisis averted

Looking for some more ideas? Check here and get to cooking!

What are some of your favorite snacks to have on hand?  How do you avert disaster when the kids come home from school or unexpected company drops by?