After School Activities

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

As much as I love having Little Mr A home from school, that after school time was becoming a problem. Having to get tea ready whilst looking after two children who seem incapable of either playing nicely together or entertaining themselves was becoming quite stressful and I was beginning to dread that time of day.

Despite Little Mr A having a bedroom full of toys he isn't able to choose anything to play with. Besides, after not seeing him all day, it is nice for him to spend some time with his little sister and myself rather than being sat in his bedroom on his own.

In an attempt to make after school more bearable I decided to set the Little A's some set activities last week. This meant I could have them playing in the kitchen with me whilst I got tea ready but they were somewhere I could keep an eye on what they were getting up to.

Thankfully it definitely seemed to clam down a little and the Little A's got on much better together. I'm not going to lie and say there were no arguments, however, it was definitely easier to cope and they seemed to get on much better. In fact they got on so well Little Miss A kept jumping on Little Mr A to give him hugs and kisses!

They got up to lots of fun, with easy to set up and clear away things;

Today they have spent after school dancing around the kitchen!

How do you cope with the after school time? Do your children argue with each other and need constant entertaining too?