After Hours... Portugal: Bairro Alto, Lisbon!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Was 'Bairro Alto' going to match my 'Freak?' When those Lisbon lights went down, those shenanigans were turned up to a whole different vibe! Being in those streets and up in those venues felt like heaven but I was definitely being a 'Nasty Girl!' Portugal couldn't keep up with me! I wasn't going to get attached! Booze, brothers and more for me! I'm about to spill this tea! 

As those 'After Hours' settings neared, I transitioned from my 'day time' sightseeing to something a little more 'classified'. It was my original plan to enter Lisbon's 'Bairro Alto' neighbourhood through 'Calle De Rosa/Pink Street' but after walking through a flea-pit of football watching venues, I knew that I needed something to 'Spice Up My Life!' 'Side Bar' became my first venue of the night, I remained realistic because the night was very young at that point, I wasn't impatient at all. Taking several seats, I made mine a beer because those hills that led to Bairro Alto were no joke at all! Sure, I had no immediate plan ahead of me during that early evening hour. True, I was way too sober for what the night had in store for me, you already know that 'Britney' had certain things to accomplish! I had high hopes for Lisbon's main district for 'Gay Nightlife', I had no idea but all would be revealed soon enough. Walking into the dark, I saw that a certain football game hadn't called time! Sure, I was ready for another game to begin! 

'Side Bar' didn't become no stranger because I returned to that pink-looking venue on my final night in Lisbon. The fact that I had an early train to catch the following morning was no concern of mine, Porto would be welcoming me in whatever statue I found that city in! I didn't need to be told twice which venue I would be ending up at, a cocktail was definitely had in a 'straight' bar a few doors down from that chosen venue. I walked into a pulsating 'Side Bar', it was how I had envisaged it to be on the first night-out in Lisbon! It was amazing to see many Portuguese people and foreign visitors both enjoying the night without any drama, I was about to make my own connections. Networking was it? I'll call it that because I got myself a few rounds of drinks on the house, they were courtesy of two visiting lawyers from the UK who had just arrived from Sitges, Spain. Mama did not raise any fool because I stuck to a pump poured drink and didn't mix my choices, free drinks always taste better! That night definitely wasn't over yet! Trom-who?

I kept my plans loose after I had left 'Side Bar', matching my morals I needed another drink! Walking those Bairro Alto streets during that first night felt correct, I had longed to have a good night out and I was going to do that! I stumbled upon 'Shorty's Bar', no shots were required because I ordered a passionfruit caipirinha on the double! That mixed drink tasted delectable but the cheering from the football match wasn't so, extra time needed to be wrapped up, quickly! I knew that portion of my night would be brief, I people watched but the night was early and a lot of the venues were quiet at that point. I headed back out onto those streets because I was curious what was out there. Swerving the loud and not very 'rainbow' looking street was the right move for me! Drag? No, I didn't get to see any Drag because the bars didn't really cater for that unless you wanted a sit-down show. I passed upon that opportunity because I didn't want to be held to any clockwatching! I knew that 'Trombeth' would be visited at some point! Hold on, LX! 

'Friends' was what I needed, listen you're mistaken because I'm talking about a side-street club in Lisbon's Bairro Alto! I embraced the packed club even thought it was the same size as my loft apartment's ground floor. The music was pumping, I loved the mix of Pabblo Vittar and other Lusophone beats that were being blasted! I ordered my drinks large, I made sure that no drop was spilt, I was on something different that night! The dynamic was right, the patrons were almost exclusively male and that was quite alright with me! I did my own thing, I actually feel like I am past nightclubs nowadays, keeping to the sides when the numbers grew too large for the size of the venue, that was right thing for me. I knew that I would be moving on at some point but to what venue, that I wasn't sure of? I had saw a bar/club named 'Construction' and I really had my night taken into another dimension after leaving 'Friends' behind. My route into Bairro Alto had prepared me for that twilight walk to the next venue, I wasn't mad! LX, let's go! 

Now, I am no shrinking violent! I was definitely ready for Bairro Alto to show me something spicy, I wanted everything! I was game for what Construction Club was about to throw at me, I just didn't know it yet! I knew those cobbled hilly streets would take me back to the beginning as my night turned into morning! Paying my entrance wasn't on my list, I entered Construction with much anticipation, I was about to enter a piece of Brazil in Lisbon, Portugal! Known as a popular 'Men Only' club, Brazilian's loved this place and I loved that for them because those Brazilian hunks certainly impressed me much! Eu vi tantos papais gostosos! Yes, you ought to translate that! I was in actual 'Gay Heaven', forget the nightclub with the same name in London because I had actually been transported to 'Rio de Janeiro' or even 'São Paulo!' Taking those unknown steps up to a separate door allowed me to enter a labyrinth of unspeakable delights, let's just say I went to Brazil! My night ended with a bang, a rather big one if you ask me! Yes, B! 

Oh, I had to take a whole day out of my itinerary to cope with that first night-out sesssion, it had been a monumental night for many reasons! I had rolled in around 6 A.M. the next morning? Yes! So, I did slip back into Biarro Alto throughout my time in Lisbon during those hours of darkness. 'Trombeta Bath' to help Lisbon keep one of her saucy secrets, I visited the evening after I went to Belém for the day, it was nice to relax and enjoy the mood even though the reception staff didn't believe I looked old enough, my I.D didn't lie! Yes, after 'Side Bar' closed on the final night I went out in Lisbon's Bairro Alto, I found myself back at 'Trombeta' one more time! It was a nice way to conclude my visit to Lisbon and that said neighbourhood, you already that I went back to Brazil one more time! Bairro Alto was the one, it was amazing to have three very eventful interactions with this part of Lisbon, each one just as fruitful! Would Brussels serve such an 'After Hours' experience? Regardless, Lisbon slayed the competition after sunset! OK! 

Tantos Papais Gostosos! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure