After Brutal Massacre of Gazan Children, Gazans Dance in the Streets

Posted on the 28 August 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
After what can only be described as one of the most vicious unwarranted massacres in human history, the Gazans have taken to the streets in wild celebration upon their great victory over illegal Zionist entity.
Writing in Y-Net, Roi Kais tells us:
After 50 days of hiding underground, former Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh took to the stage at a rally in Gaza on Wednesday, declaring that the group's victory over Israel in the IDF's Operation Defensive Edge was unprecedented.
"It is impossible to make do with words and speeches to express this victory," he said. "The victory is beyond the boundaries of time and place. This battle is a war that had no precedent in the history of the conflict with the enemy."
Why does this remind me of the Twilight Zone?
You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Twilight Zone!
You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into... the Twilight Zone.
The genocide that the Zionists have committed against the indigenous Palestinian population is among the most cruel military campaigns in over the last one hundred years.  The Israelis indiscriminately pounded Gaza by air killing thousands of people, mainly women and children, particularly children and most particularly the tender and delicious ones.  Nonetheless:
The celebrations in Gaza began Tuesday night, shortly after the ceasefire took hold.  Bursts of gunfire were heard in Gaza City; men packed into vehicles, waving and flashing victory signs. Images showed Hamas official Fawzi Barhoum being hoisted onto the shoulders of jubilant Gazans.
Meanwhile, in Israel, the brutal Israeli polity seems rather depressed over their defeat of the celebratory Gazans.  Even as Israel laid waste to the entire Gaza Strip, leaving virtually nothing standing, the heroic Gazan resistors danced in the streets and handed out candy to little Hamasniks in training.
But in all seriousness, what are witnessing is the fact that Hamas met its objectives in this recent spasm while Israel did not.  The reason for this is that Hamas's objectives were largely in the realm of propaganda and politics, while Israel's failed objectives were largely military and cannot be considered complete until Hamas is effectively terminated as a force in the strip.
Since Netanyahu decided against demanding unconditional surrender, Hamas lives to fight another day.  But that simply represents the status quo anti.  Hamas is still there and clearly still able to terrorize and wreck southern Israel.  People have moved away and for reasons that are entirely obvious do not wish to move back.
Hamas, on the other hand, has gained legitimacy in the eyes of the western powers and can stand before the local Arab population with their heads held high because they outlasted their far more powerful enemy.
The big loser in this thing - aside from the dead and the families of the dead - is Benjamin Netanyahu whose approval numbers dropped 44 points in recent weeks, largely due to the fact that the Israelis wanted him to finish the job and he did not.
Ultimately all Netanyahu did was kick the can down the road where we will see it again, in its next larger mutated form, sometime in the next few years.