African Adventures 4 – Drakensberg Canopy Tour

By Stodge @stodgeblog

During our last week in South Africa Holly had had the disappointment of one of her holiday activities being closed so we were looking for something a bit different that we could all do but would be “hers”
We found a leaflet at Didima Camp for a canopy tour that looked a little like go-ape so we booked for our last day in the Drakensberg, on the way back to Johannesburg.
There was the normal briefing before we were bundled onto a lorry and rattled up a rough track for a few km to the head of a gorge.
A canopy tour consists of a series of interconnected zipwires and platforms and were originally installed in South America to give a base and means  for botanists to explore the canopy so high above the forest floor. Someone realised they were also great fun and so now they have become tourist adrenaline rush adventures.

My head for heights is not as good as it used to be. It certainly wasn’t prepared for a a zip wire the length of a football stadium and 70 metres above a gorge. The zips zigged and zagged there way down the gorge, sometimes to platforms half way up a cliff, sometimes to the top of huge trees.

Included too was lots of commentary from our guides about the flora we were flying through but all too soon after over 20 slides it was time to finish.

The canopy tour was something that without Holly we never would have considered…  But is was amazing