Afghanistan’s Taliban Regime Not to Allow Any Fencing Along Durand Line by Pakistan

Posted on the 07 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

The Afghan Taliban regime said that it would not allow the fence by Pakistan in any form along the line of Durand, issuing strong warnings to Islamabad, amid increasing tensions between neighboring countries with border fence problems, said a media report.

"We [Taliban] will not let the fence anytime, in any form. Whatever they [Pakistani] did before, they did it, but we would not let it go anymore. There will be no more fence," Mawllawi Saullah Sangin, Taliban Commander , told Tolo Afghanistan news on January 5.

Sangin's sharp reaction came after the comments of Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi earlier this week, when he said this problem would be resolved peacefully, through diplomatic channels.

"Certain criminals enhancing this problem is not necessary, but we see it. We come into contact with the Afghan government. Hopefully, we will be able to solve diplomatic problems," said Mr. Qureshi during a press conference in Islamabad on January 3.

The Durand line, the International Border of 2,670 Km between Afghanistan and Pakistan have witnessed the battles of regular battle between the strength of these two countries.

Last month, a clash was reported throughout the Southeast Nimroz Province after Pakistan's troops tried to expand barbed fences into the Afghanistan area, with Taliban troops immediately reciprocently by knocking it down.

Likewise, on December 22, both parties were in the forever again, this time throughout the province of Nangarhar Timur, according to the Khama Press news agency based in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has completed nearly 90% of the fence working along the limit of 2,670 km despite protests from Kabul, who opposed the demarcation of the boundaries of the English century era that divided the family on both sides.

The consecutive regime in Afghanistan, including the government supported U.S in the past has denied this demarcation, which has historically remained a controversial problem between the two neighbors.

The border, which is known internationally as the Durand line, is named after British civil servants, Mortimer Durrand, who has improved the boundaries of Indian British after consulting the Afghan government in 1893.