Afghan Model Arrested By Taliban For ‘Disrespecting Islam’ In YouTube Video: Report

Posted on the 11 June 2022 by Geetikamalik

Kabul: A model of Afghanistan-Youthuber, Ajmal Haqiqi, along with three of his colleagues, has been captured by the Taliban, accusing them of not respecting Islam and the Qur’an.
According to Amnesty International, an NGO that focuses on human rights, social media influencers based on Kabul posted videos on their YouTube channel last week. In it, the verses of the Koran are allegedly used in a funny way by him and three other colleagues.

They were seen laughing as one of his colleagues, in a funny voice, reading the verses of the Koran in Arabic. Then, on June 5, another video was posted by Haqiqi, where he was seen apologizing for the previous one, said the NGO.

However, according to Amnesty International, he and three of his colleagues were arrested on the charges of “insulting Islamic sacred values” by the Directorate of General Intelligence of the Taliban on June 7 and then that day a video of ‘recognition’ of Haqiqi was released where he apologized.

A statement was released by Amnesty International on June 8 which partially read, “The Taliban must be immediately and without the condition of releasing YouTuber and ending their sustainable sensitivity from those who want to freely express their ideas.”

Restrictions on the right to freedom of expression must be clearly provided by law and are very necessary and proportional to legal goals. International human rights law does not allow restrictions on freedom of expression only on the grounds that it has the potential to offend or insult or insult also not to protect religious beliefs or The sensitivity of his adherents. This incident is a classic example of how the Taliban created a fear climate in Afghanistan using arbitrary arrests and coercion to force people to silence, “he continued.

The post Afghan Model Arrested By Taliban For ‘Disrespecting Islam’ In YouTube Video: Report first appeared on Sarang Bos.